Unit 2: All Eyes And Ears Question Preview (ID: 59830)
Vis/Vid; Aud; Phon.
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the part of a theater, concert hall, or other public building in which the audience sits
a) audience
b) auditorium
c) audition
d) audible
a pleasing view, especially one seen through a long, narrow opening
a) visualize
b) phonograph
c) audible
d) vista
a mixture of various unpleasant sounds; harsh sounds
a) cacophony
b) audience
c) xylophone
d) visionary
able to be heard
a) audition
b) audience
c) audible
d) auditorium
a person with original ideas about the future will or could be like
a) visionary
b) xylophone
c) visualize
d) auditorium
a group of people who have gathered to watch a performance or a public event
a) audible
b) audition
c) audience
d) auditorium
a musical instrument played by striking a row of metal boards of different lengths with one or more small wooden or plastic mallets
a) cacophony
b) phonograph
c) vista
d) xylophone
to form a mental image of; imagine
a) audition
b) visualize
c) visionary
d) vista
a machine that reproduced sound by playing a needle in contact with a grooved rotating disk
a) phonograph
b) auditorium
c) cacophony
d) xylophone
an interview for a particular role or job such as a singer, actor, dancer, or musician, consisting of a perforamance
a) auditorium
b) audience
c) audition
d) audible
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