WH- Chapters 1-3 Question Preview (ID: 59824)

Unit 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An important concept that became a crucial part of Chinese history was:
a) The view that art, poetry, and literature were important to soldiers
b) The Confucian belief that the government should be open to all men of superior talent
c) The belief that the Great Wall would protect China from all enemies
d) The Shaolin view that one must be able to do combat mentally as well as physically

Hammurabi is remembered for:
a) Discovering oil in the Middle East
b) His law code, a collection of laws for Mesopotamian society
c) Building the Great Pyramids
d) Overthrowing the Akkadian Empire

The religion of Judaism differed from the other religions of the time in that it
a) Was monotheistic, meaning its followers believed in one God, whereas other religions were polytheistic
b) Was the first religion to set down laws by which the people were to live their daily lives
c) Was polytheistic, meaning its followers believed in many gods
d) Had no sacred texts or books

This ancient civilization set up an advanced society along the Nile River:
a) Mesopotamian
b) Greeks
c) Egyptian
d) Romans

Paleolithic peoples were nomads because they had no choice but to
a) Flee from the woolly mammoth
b) move on after they had depleted the land
c) escape the pollution they caused
d) follow animal migrations and vegetation cycles

Why was the Great Wall created?
a) To try and keep the Japanese out of China
b) To try and keep the Mongols out of China
c) To try and keep other religions out of China
d) To try and keep the armies of India out of China

A trade route that expanded from Europe to Asia:
a) Great Wall of China
b) Way Forward
c) Noble Path
d) Silk Road

Confucius taught about:
a) Ethical behavior and good government
b) Religion and politics
c) Philosophy and sociology
d) Trade and defense

Which of the following is one of the 4 Noble Truths?
a) Suffering is caused by our desires to satisfy ourselves
b) Persons of higher rank are responsible for caring for those of lower rank
c) Mecca is a sacred site for all Muslims
d) Ramadan is a monthlong celebration commemorating the time during which Muhammad received the Quran from Allah.

The founder of Buddhism was:
a) Vishnu
b) Muhammad
c) Siddhartha Gautama
d) Confucius

In this system, every Indian was believed to be born into a social group defined by occupation and family lineage.
a) Autonomous
b) Open
c) Closed
d) Caste

Belief in many gods. Belief in one god.
a) Archaeology; Anthropology
b) Polytheism; Monotheism
c) Autocracy; Authoritarian
d) Ziggurat; Cuneiform

A government where the supreme ruler has political and religious authority.
a) Theocracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Democracy
d) Republic

The six characteristics of civilizations are:
a) Religion, language, infrastructure, technology, radiocarbon dating and government
b) Archaeology, Anthropology, fossils, technology, history and society
c) Farming, industry, service, society, language and art.
d) Cities, government, religion, social structure, writing, and art

A method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the properties of radiocarbon, a radioactive isotope of carbon.
a) Archaeology
b) Anthropology
c) Radiocarbon dating
d) Fossils

The Buddha believed that suffering is caused by:
a) Not living according to the will and laws of God
b) Spending money foolishly
c) Demons
d) Attachment to the things of this world

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