Animal Behavior Lesson 1 Question Preview (ID: 59820)

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Which of the following describes the study of animal behavior?
a) ethology
b) psychology
c) neurology
d) astronomy

Which of the following is NOT a reason that explains an animal's behavior?
a) It is trying to find food or water
b) It is trying to survive/avoid danger
c) It is trying to be noticed by predators
d) It is interacting within social groups

Which is true about a stimulus?
a) It is an environmental change that influences a behavior
b) It *is* the animal's behavior
c) It is how an animal responds to a predator
d) It is how an animal finds food

Which method of behavior research involves a scientist physically watching a subject in order to study it? (Hint: NO variables are manipulated)
a) observational
b) experimental
c) comparative

Which method of behavior research involves a scientist manipulating a specific variable in order to see how an animal will react?
a) Observational
b) Experimental
c) Comparative

Which method of behavior research involves a scientist comparing the similarities and differences among species in order to better understand them?
a) Observational
b) Experimental
c) Comparative

Bird migration is an example of which type of behavior?
a) Inherited
b) Learned

If a scientist compares the similarities and differences between domestic house cats and wild tigers, which method of behavioral research is being used?
a) Observational
b) Experimental
c) Comparative

A scientist records data about the feeding habits of a litter of baby mice. Which method of behavior research is being used?
a) Observational
b) Experimental
c) Comparative

A spider knowing how to build a web is an example of which type of behavior?
a) Inherited
b) Learned

Which of the following is NOT another name for an innate behavior?
a) Inherited
b) Instinct
c) Acquired

Which type of behavior is more advantageous to an animal? (Hint: Which type allows an animal to adapt?)
a) Learned
b) Inherited

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