June 2022 Physics Regents Questions 31-40 Question Preview (ID: 59782)
Use Your Knowledge Of Physics To Answer All Questions In The Data Set. You Will Need Your Physics Reference Tables And A Calculator To Answer Some Of The Questions. Good Luck.
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A nuclear reactor produces 2.7 x 10^16 joules of energy per year. How much mass is converted to energy by the reactor in one year?
a) 0.30 kg
b) 0.90 kg
c) 9.0 x 10^7 kg
d) 2.4 x 10^33 kg
If the spheres are brought into contact with each other and separated, sphere B will have a net charge of

a) -5 x 10^−6 C
b) -2 x 10^−6 C
c) +5 x 10^−6 C
d) -4 x 10^−6 C
An antimuon neutrino is a
a) lepton with a −le charge
b) lepton with 0 charge
c) meson with a −le charge
d) meson with 0 charge
The superposition of the two waves will cause the particle of the medium to have a maximum displacement of

a) 1.0 m
b) 2.0 m
c) 2.5 m
d) 5.0 m
Moving the wire downward between the poles in the direction shown in the diagram will

a) induce an alternating magnetic field between the poles of the magnets
b) induce a potential difference between the ends of the wire
c) decrease the wire’s resistivity
d) reverse the direction of the magnetic field
Which graph best represents the motion of an object traveling at a constant positive velocity?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
A cannonball is fired with an initial velocity of 100. meters per second at an angle of 15.0° above the horizontal. What are the horizontal (vx) and vertical (vy) components of this velocity?
a) vx = 96.6 m/s, vy = 25.9 m/s
b) vx = 25.9 m/s, vy = 96.6 m/s
c) vx = 76.0 m/s, vy = 65.0 m/s
d) vx = 65.0 m/s, vy = 76.0 m/s
A 1200-kilogram car is moving at 10. meters per second when a braking force of 3000. newtons is applied. How much time is required to bring the car to rest?
a) 0.40 s
b) 2.5 s
c) 25 s
d) 4.0 s
Which graph best represents the relationship between the speed of light (f = 5.09 x 10^14 Hz) in a transparent medium and the absolute index of refraction of the medium?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
A student uses a string to whirl a 0.25-kilogram mass in a horizontal circular path that has a 0.80-meter radius. If the magnitude of the centripetal force exerted on the mass with the string is 25 newtons, the speed of the mass is
a) 2.8 m/s
b) 8.9 m/s
c) 11 m/s
d) 89 m/s
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