July 27 Lower Secondary Vocabulary Set 1 Question Preview (ID: 59723)

July 27 Lower Secondary Vocabulary Set 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

We all love it when grandma sits down and ____ about her days in mainland China.
a) sat on the fence
b) saves her own skin
c) day dream
d) spins a yarn

We were relieved that everything went ______ - on the day pf the wedding and no major hiccups arose.
a) like clock work
b) on borrowed time
c) like a free hand
d) like point blank

I thought that I heard the baby cry but he was _____ sleeping peacefully away.
a) day dream
b) save hie own skin
c) dead to the world
d) spinning a yarn and

The band is very popular and tickets for the concert tonight are _____
a) a free hand
b) like gold dust.
c) like clock work
d) stick in the mud

Sam was quickly _____ by the heavy set men who tied him up and let him in the dark cave.
a) overthrown
b) overruled
c) overworked
d) overpowered

Abbas, who has always been fascinated by aeroplanes, plans to work in the _____ industry once he finishes school.
a) acoustics
b) hanger
c) agrarian
d) aviation

Her ambition to be a doctor as _____ by her poor Science grade.
a) bamboozled
b) thwarted
c) pampered
d) neutralised

A ____ studies the soil and rock that form the earth.
a) geomancer
b) historian
c) geologist
d) grazier

There was ______ in the dining area when a lady guest spotted a grey rat underneath her dining table.
a) camaraderie
b) pomp
c) revelry
d) pandemonium

The lazy boy _____ unhurriedly to the shop; whistling as he went.
a) dwindled
b) jogged
c) slouched
d) sauntered

The practice of good hygiene was ______ into me from very early in life by my late mother who had worked as a nurse.
a) indulged
b) inspired
c) driven
d) instilled

Many villagers are ______ ; their beliefs cannot be validated by science.
a) illogical
b) folksy
c) superstitious
d) flawed

The fuzzy drink _______ the young man and he could not walk steadily after he had a few glasses.
a) dazzled
b) intoxicated
c) stablised
d) humoured

The judge cleared the man of all charges by virtue of ______.
a) blasphemy
b) insanity
c) prophecy
d) sanity

It was sheer ______ that Tommy had booked the same flight as Gene.
a) coincidence
b) misgivings
c) intention
d) misadventure

When we visited New York last year, we were caught in a ______; it seemed it was the worst snow storm ever to hit the city in years.
a) flood
b) gale
c) blizzard
d) hailstorm

We have to ______ to see if we can find a way to get enough money to start a new club.
a) stick in our minds
b) put our heads together
c) day dream
d) beard the lion in his den

The rascal is in his office, so let's go in, confront him and ______.
a) beard the lion in his den
b) room to swing a cat
c) sit on the fence
d) save his own skin

We can start organising the sale of second-hand uniforms, if the principal gives us ______ on it.
a) like gold dust
b) a point blank
c) a free hand
d) like clock work

Computerisation in business is a must now. Don't be a _____ any longer and keep up with the times.
a) stick in the mind
b) sitting on the fence
c) like gold dust
d) day dreamer

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