Water Cycle Question Preview (ID: 5970)
1.Water Continually Cycles
2. Fresh Water Flows And Freezes On Earth
3. Fresh Water Flows Underground
Chap 11.
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What are the three forms of water on Earth?
a) Groundwater,lakes,clouds
b) liquid water,frozen water, and water vapor
c) gas, steam, and vapor
d) groundwater, oceans and ice
How much of Earth's water is fresh water?
a) almost all
b) about half
c) very little
d) none
Which process forms clouds?
a) evaporation
b) precipitation
c) condensation
d) dehydration
What ice formation covers Greenland and Antartica?
a) iceberg
b) landmass
c) valley glacier
d) continental glacier
How are glaciers like rivers?
a) They are made of liquid water
b) Their water sinks into the ground
c) They flow downhill
d) They are a mile thick
How is water stored in an aquifer?
a) in an open underground lake
b) in cracks and spaces in rocks
c) in impermeable rock
d) in wells and springs
What percent of Earth's surface is covered in water?
a) 30%
b) 50%
c) 25%
d) 70%
What percent is salt water?
a) 3%
b) 60%
c) 25%
d) 97%
What percent is fresh water?
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 5%
d) 3%
What is Condensation?
a) Water becomes a vapor.
b) Water falls to the surface.
c) Water goes inthe ground.
d) Water vapor turns into a liquid.
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