June 2022 Chemistry Regents Questions 1-10 Question Preview (ID: 59691)

Use Your Knowledge Of Chemistry To Answer All Questions In The Data Set. You Will Need Your Chemistry Reference Tables And A Calculator To Answer Some Of The Questions. Good Luck. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which subatomic particles are matched with their charges?
a) Protons are positive and neutrons are negative.
b) Protons are positive and electrons are negative.
c) Protons are negative and neutrons have no charge.
d) Protons are negative and electrons have no charge.

Which conclusion directly resulted from the “gold foil experiment”?
a) Atoms are mostly empty space.
b) Atoms are hard, indivisible spheres.
c) Electrons are located in shells.
d) Electrons have a small mass

The bright-line spectrum of an element is produced when excited-state electrons
a) absorb energy and move to higher energy states
b) absorb energy and move to lower energy states
c) release energy and move to higher energy states
d) release energy and move to lower energy states

The elements on the Periodic Table of the Elements are arranged in order of increasing
a) atomic mass
b) atomic number
c) mass number
d) oxidation state

Atoms of which element in Group 15 have the greatest electronegativity?
a) As
b) Bi
c) N
d) P

Which term represents the simplest wholenumber ratio of atoms of the elements in a compound?
a) atomic mass
b) formula mass
c) empirical formula
d) structural formula

How many electrons are shared in a triple bond between two atoms?
a) 6
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

What occurs during this reaction?
a) Energy is released as a bond is broken.
b) Energy is released as a bond is formed.
c) Energy is absorbed as a bond is broken.
d) Energy is absorbed as a bond is formed.

Krypton atoms in the ground state tend not to bond with other atoms because their
a) second electron shell contains eight electrons
b) third electron shell contains eighteen electrons
c) outermost electron shell contains two electrons
d) innermost electron shell contains eight electrons

All matter can be classified as
a) an element
b) a compound
c) a mixture or an element
d) a mixture or a substance

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