Obj. 3.01 Question Preview (ID: 59660)

Vegetables And Fruits. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is the best way to prepare fruit to retain nutrients?
a) lightly grilled
b) baked on a low temperature for a long time
c) battered and fried in oil
d) stewed in water and butter

Which category of fruit is characterized by a thick inedible rind, juicy flesh, and many seeds in the center?
a) melons
b) drupes
c) pomes
d) citrus fruits

Which is categorized as a stem vegetable?
a) asparagus
b) potato
c) caulifower
d) tomato

Meredith is preparing stir-fried vegetables and needs an item of cutting equipment to chop and dice vegetables. Which item does she need?
a) chef's knife
b) pastry blender
c) bread knife
d) kitchen shears

Storing unripe bananas on the counter:
a) helps them ripen and improves their flavor
b) causes foodborne illnesses
c) makes them slowly ripen
d) causes them to quickly spoil

Which category of food is selected by color, smell, and touch?
a) citrus and fresh vegetables
b) canned beans
c) milk and cheese
d) frozen foods

David found fresh peaches on sale at the farmer's market. He purchased more than he will use in one week. What should David do?
a) package and freeze
b) freeze as is
c) throw the extra away
d) refrigerate until he uses them all

To remove peas from a saucepan, use a:
a) slotted spoon
b) wire whisk
c) stand mixer
d) mixing bowl

Alex plans to serve broccoli as a side dish. Which cooking method will preserve the most nutrients?
a) steaming
b) boiling
c) frying
d) raosting

What are the health benefits of eating fresh as compared to eating processed fruits?
a) fresh fruits are lower in sugar and sodium than processed fruits
b) fresh fruits have inconsistent pricing throughout the year, while processed-fruit pricing remains more stable
c) fresh fruits brown as compared to canned fruits that keep their color
d) fresh fruits are less nutritious than frozen fruits

Which is an example of mincing foods?
a) cutting onions into very small, irregular pieces
b) rubbing cabbage against a shredder
c) making shallow slices into the surface of bread dough
d) removing the outer skin of potatoes

The smallest size cut for foods such as fruits and vegetables is a:
a) mince
b) mince
c) dice
d) cube

How can calories be reduced when preparing fruits and vegetables?
a) by choosing cooking methods like baking and steaming
b) by serving with cream dips and sauces
c) by frying with heavy batters
d) by mixing with sugar and gelatins

Vegetables such as potatoes, onions, and garlic should be stored:
a) in a cool, dry and dark place
b) in the refriegerator
c) in the freezer
d) on the counter

Tomatoes, msquash, and peppers would fall into which MyPlate food group?
a) vegetables
b) protein
c) fruits
d) dairy

How are onions and celery saute'ed?
a) by browning in a small amount of hot fat
b) by turning to a desired temperature for 10 minutes before adding food
c) by using vapor made by liquids that have reached 212 F
d) by cooking in a covered pan, using low heat and a small amount of liquid

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