8.MS-PS2-1 Question Preview (ID: 59648)

8.MS-PS2-1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In terms of Newton's third law, why does our hand hurt when we hit something?
a) the thing we hit absorbs all the force we applied to it
b) the thing we hit exerts the same force back onto our hand
c) the thing we hit rubs against our hand due to friction
d) the thing we hit pushes down due to gravity

In order to jump, you must push harder against the ground than when walking. What happens next?
a) the air resistance keeps you from jumping too high
b) nothing - you just push on the ground and that's it
c) friction with the ground helps you jump higher
d) the ground pushes harder against you

A 25 kg dog jumps onto a 55 kg person with a force of 5N. How much force does the person exert back onto the dog?
a) 25N
b) 55N
c) 5N
d) more than 5N, but less than 25N

You run into a wall. The equal and opposite reaction force is:
a) you push against the wall
b) you push against the ground
c) the wall pushes against you
d) the air pushes against you

What does Newton's third law cause a cannon to do after firing?
a) stay in place
b) roll in the same direction as the cannonball
c) roll in the opposite direction as the cannonball
d) make a loud sound

Newton's third law states that any action with have a(n) ___ and ___ reaction
a) equal and similar
b) equal and opposite
c) unequal and similar
d) unequal and opposite

When a heavy football player runs into a lighter player, who exerts more force?
a) they exert the same force
b) the heavier player
c) the lighter player
d) we need to know how fast they are each moving

Forces always occur....
a) in triplets
b) alone
c) in pairs
d) in singles

A bug splatters onto a windshield. Compared to the force of the car on the bug, the force of the bug on the car is....
a) larger
b) smaller
c) depends on how fast both were moving
d) the same

You hold an apple in your hand. If the action force is Earth pulling on your hand, what is the reaction force?
a) your hand pulling on Earth
b) the apple pushing against your hand
c) the normal force of your hand pushing against the apple
d) gravity

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