8.MS-LS4-5 Question Preview (ID: 59634)

8.MS-LS4-5. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a main difference between selective breeding and genetic engineering?
a) selective breeding selects between genes that exist naturally and genetic engineering alters genes in a lab
b) genetic engineering selects between genes that exist naturally and selective breeding alters genes in a lab
c) selective breeding takes much less time than genetic engineering
d) genetic engineering has been practiced much longer than selective breeding

Today's domesticated chicken breeds are twice as big as the breeds in the 1960's. Which statement below is most likely INCORRECT?
a) Today's domesticated chickens are a different breed from the ones in the 1960's
b) Selective breeding has created larger breeds over time
c) The desirable traits in today's domesticated chickens were chosen by humans
d) Today's domesticated chickens are the same breed as in the 1960's, but better fed

All dog breeds are the same species. What does that mean?
a) They can successfully reproduce together
b) They cannot successfully reproduce together
c) Dogs of different breeds cannot mate together
d) Different dog breeds have vastly different genetics

Which of the following statements is true?
a) Artificial selection is a new science
b) Artificial selection is best done by scientists
c) There is no proof of artificial selection being successful
d) Humans began practicing artificial selection thousands of years ago

What does the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) say about genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?
a) they are unsafe
b) there are too many of them
c) they are safe
d) they are not helping solve any problems

Why are some dog breeds such good hunters?
a) over and over, humans have bred good hunting dogs together
b) it has been random luck, which is why it takes so long
c) over time, good hunting traits were chosen by natural selection
d) due to the environmental pressures they are exosed to

How is artificial selection different from natural selection?
a) artificial selection is done in a lab
b) with artificial selection, humans decide which traits to pass on
c) artificial selection takes a much longer time
d) artificial selection can only be performed on animals, such as dogs

Genetically engineered crops which are resistant to pesticides are common GMOs. Which of the following statements might explain why it is done?
a) it is easier than spraying chemical pesticides
b) it cuts down on the use of chemical pesticides
c) it is less harmful to insects
d) it makes the crops bigger

All of today's dog breeds are the same species. Which modern animal are they most closely related to?
a) the bear
b) the skunk
c) the wolf
d) the lion

Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Natural selection relies on existing genes, but artificial selection creates new genes
b) Artificial selection relies on existing genes, but natural selection creates new genes
c) In artificial selection, nature chooses the desirable traits; in natural selection, humans choose
d) Both natural selection and artificial selection rely on existing, naturally occurring, genes

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