8.MS-LS3-2 Question Preview (ID: 59632)

8.MS-LS3-2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which are NOT associated with asexual reproduction?
a) two parents
b) budding
c) cloning
d) fragmentation

Which type of reproduction leads to a greater genetic diversity in offspring?
a) binary fission
b) sexual reproduction
c) asexual reproduction
d) vegetative propagation

In general, what is a benefit to asexual reproduction?
a) increases genetic diversity
b) requires more energy
c) leads to increased biodiversity
d) produces a larger number of offspring quickly

How do most single-celled organisms reproduce?
a) sexually
b) by combining gametes
c) binary fission
d) fragmentation

The offspring of asexual reproduction are known as
a) babies
b) gametes
c) buds
d) clones

Which type of reproduction requires two parents?
a) sexual
b) asexual
c) regeneration
d) vegetative propagation

Which is increased genetic diversity considered to be a benefit?
a) it leads to a greater number of offspring
b) the population can better adapt to environmental changes
c) it is easier and quicker to produce
d) it only requires one parent

Humans inherit traits from both biological parents. Why?
a) because humans are eukaryotic
b) because humans only produce a small number of offspring at a time
c) because humans reproduce sexually
d) because humans do not need gametes in order to reproduce

Which of the following is a benefit to sexual reproduction?
a) it takes time and energy to find a mate
b) it usually leads to a large number of offspring produced in short period of time
c) it only requires one parent
d) it leads to a decreased chance of harmful traits taking over a population

Which is NOT an example of asexual reproduction?
a) a hydra budding
b) a sea star regrowing an arm
c) two elephants mating and creating a calf
d) a strawberry plant creating a runner

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