7.MS-LS2-5 Question Preview (ID: 59629)
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Which statement is correct?
a) a polyculture is usually more resilient than a monoculture
b) a monoculture is usually more resilient than a polyculture
c) a monoculture and polyculture are usually equally resilient
d) monocultures and polycultures have nothing to do with resiliency
Overall, what is happening to global biodiversity?
a) it is increasing
b) it is decreasing
c) it is stable
d) it changes all the time
Which government agency is involved with protecting the environment?
a) the International Union for the Conservation of Nature
b) the Red List
c) the Environmental Protection Agency
d) the Endangered Species Act
What information can we get from the Red List?
a) ways to conserve energy
b) the best ways to recycle plastics
c) sustainable fishing practices
d) the status of threatened species around the world
Which is NOT an example of an ecological service?
a) deforestation
b) filtering water
c) preventing soil erosion
d) providing building materials
Which would be found in a very healthy ecosystem?
a) a large number of plants
b) a large number and variety of organisms
c) a large amount of water
d) a large number of predators
After an environmental disruption, which would be more likely to recover?
a) a monoculture
b) an area with low biodiversity
c) an area with high biodiversity
d) an area with a lot of plants
Which is an example of point-source pollution?
a) oil leaking from a car in a parking lot
b) manure from a farm
c) litter running into a storm drain
d) dumping a toxin directly into a body of water
Which is NOT an example of pollution?
a) trees
b) air
c) light
d) noise/sound
Which is NOT a good way to help increase biodiversity?
a) planting different types of trees
b) plant lots of the same type of tree
c) use bug-friendly lights outside
d) wash cars on grass
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