Touching Spirit Bear Ch. 20-24 Review Question Preview (ID: 59519)

Review Of Touching Spirit Bear Ch. 20-24. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When Edwin tells Cole that Peter tried to commit suicide, what does Cole believe would help Peter.
a) If Cole gave Peter money to make up for what he did.
b) If Peter went on vacation to somewhere warm and sunny.
c) If Peter came to the island to experience what Cole has experienced.
d) If Cole's parents adopted Peter and took him into their family.

What is the toughest challenge Cole faces while on the island this time?
a) Dealing with his loneliness.
b) Hunting the Spirit Bear.
c) Finding food to eat.
d) Learning how to go fishing.

How does Cole manage to see the Spirit Bear again?
a) He hunts it down with a knife and spear.
b) He sits quietly at the bay and lets go of his control.
c) He takes out his camera and take photos from a distance.
d) He follows its track to its den and finds it sleeping.

How does Cole's dance of Anger end?
a) He kills the Spirit Bear.
b) He realizes that what he did to Peter was wrong.
c) He escapes the island.
d) He forgives himself for the bad things he has done.

What dance does Cole have difficulty figuring out how to do?
a) The dance of Spirit Bears
b) The dance of Happiness
c) The dance of Anger
d) The dance of Wolves

Why does Cole think the beaver swam away when he tried to touch it?
a) Because Cole betrayed its trust.
b) Because the beaver wanted to find some food.
c) Because Cole was too friendly with the beaver.
d) Because Cole was too quiet.

What does Edwin say is the purpose of Totem Poles?
a) To escape the island.
b) To hunt Spirit Bears.
c) To brag about how great you are.
d) To tell ancestry and stories.

3. What is the reason that Edwin says that Cole hasn't seen the Spirit Bear again?
a) The Spirit Bear hates Cole for attacking him.
b) Cole is a very bad person so he doesn't deserve to see the Spirit Bear again.
c) After the Spirit Bear attacked Cole, Cole became invisible to the Spirit Bear.
d) Cole isn't looking hard enough to find the Spirit Bear.

Why does Cole suggest they dance the Spirit Bear Dance?
a) He still hates the Spirit Bear and wants it to suffer.
b) He has seen the Spirit Bear again.
c) He wants to hunt the Spirit Bear with Edwin and Garvey.
d) He is ready to give up trying to live on the island.

What two things could Cole make from the log he finds in the woods?
a) A Totem Pole or a canoe
b) A shelter or a fire pit
c) A trap for the Spirit Bear or firewood
d) A fishing pole or a roof for the shelter

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