6th Soc. St. Ch. 18 Test Question Preview (ID: 59511)

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Which best describes Asia?
a) arctic in the north, Mediterranean in the south
b) arctic in the north, wet in the south
c) wet in the north, desert in the south
d) semi-arid in the north, Mediterranean in the south

European countries formed colonies in Asia after FIRST coming for —
a) spices
b) rubber
c) coal and oil
d) jewels and fine art

What factor has most influenced the development of Australia's eastern coast as its most populated region?
a) The region contains most of the fertile land.
b) The region has the richest mineral deposits.
c) The Great Barrier Reef makes the region a tourist center.
d) Sugar cane and tropical fruit are grown in the region.

How does the Western Plateau contribute to Australia's wealth?
a) through its mineral deposits
b) through its fish farming
c) through its tropical fish farming
d) through its rice crops

In the early 20th century, nationalism led which of the following countries to invade its neighbors?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) Japan

How did European colonies in Asia become independent?
a) European nations gave them their independence peacefully.
b) Some got their independence peacefully; others had to fight for it.
c) Most fought hard for their independence.
d) The Soviet Union used force to help them become independent.

Most farmers in Asia —
a) are using new kinds of seeds and fertilizers
b) are beginning to use modern machinery
c) are being trained to use new tools and methods
d) still use the tools and methods of their ancestors

Why have some Asian countries welcomed foreign businesses?
a) to keep prices low so their own citizens can save money
b) to provide a much-needed labor force
c) to help their own businesses compete on the world market
d) to build housing and services for their growing population

After World War II, what movement did Western democracies fear would take over Asia?
a) communism
b) democracy
c) monotheism
d) polytheism

What large coral mass is located off the northeastern coast of Australia?
a) Gobi Desert
b) Great Coral Reef
c) Sahara
d) Hawaiian islands

What is the world's highest point?
a) Mt. Fuji
b) Mt. Denali
c) Pike's Peak
d) Mt. Everest

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