6th Soc. St. Ch. 15 Test Question Preview (ID: 59507)

6th Soc. St. Ch. 15 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In the Netherlands, democracy means--
a) cutting taxes to reduce the size of government
b) requiring citizens to vote and attend committee meetings
c) using government to improve the quality of life whenever possible
d) using government to prevent modernization

How was the Netherlands able to rebuild so successfully after World War II?
a) Germany repaired all the war damage it had caused.
b) The people were unified toward a common goal.
c) Other European countries supplied money and materials.
d) The government was strong and there was little war damage.

Why are some Europeans not happy about the changes brought on by the European Union?
a) They are afraid of losing their national and cultural identities.
b) They are concerned about een more govenment contraol.
c) They are concerned taht there will be fewer goods available.
d) They are afraid the economy will grow too much too quickly.

How did the Maastrict Treaty propose to make trade in the Common Market easier?
a) by nationalizing railroads and trucking companies
b) by ending the import of any goods from other countries
c) by using once currency throughout member countries
d) by combining police forces to fight crime

Why did many European countries want all of Europe to be a single market?
a) to eliminate trade battiers
b) to open new markets
c) to close Europe to imports
d) to become the world's largest economic power

The European Union is NOT liely to write policies concerning
a) environmental protection
b) crime prevention
c) economic reforms
d) elections in member countries

One reason the Czech and Slovak republics now have more tourists is because ----
a) the iron curtain is firmly in place
b) the factories have not been modernized
c) the economy has begun to recover
d) the Western countries have factories there

What is the European Union?
a) an agreement tying European nationos under a single gobernment
b) an organization governing economic and political cooperation in Europe
c) a unition that protects the safety and rights of all European workers
d) Europe's largest environmental protection agency

The establishment of separate Czech and Slovak republics --
a) showed that the government responded to the people's wishes
b) resulted from the regions' wanting different political systems
c) equalized the amount of land each republic controlled
d) opened better trade markets for the Slovaks

How did the treatment of dissidents change in Czechoslovakia after the end of Communism?
a) Dissidents were harassed contnually.
b) Dissidents were imprisoned immediately.
c) Dissidents were allowed to protest openly.
d) Dissidents were suppressed or ignored.

What was Czechoslovakia's ''Velvet Revolution?''
a) Its smooth, peaceful rebellion against communism.
b) Its violent revolution in which the dead were cloaked in velvet.
c) Its fashion revolution in which velvet was the fabric of choice.
d) The establishment of textile factories to improve its economy.

Which is NOT a factor that led to the breakup of Czechoslovakia?
a) Czechs outnumbered Slovaks 2 to 1 in the new republic.
b) Czechs controlled more of the land than the Slovaks.
c) Tensions increased between the Czechs and Slovaks.
d) Czechs and Slovaks disagreed about communism.

How have the Czech and Slovak republics adapted to the new economic challenges they face?
a) They have built castles, fortresses, and restaurants.
b) They are moderninzing their systems of transportaion.
c) They have tried to attract both tourists and foreign businesses.
d) They are enduring new hardships until they are strong again.

Why are some Europeans unhappy about the changes brought on by the European Union?
a) They fear that their government will not have enough control.
b) They do not want these nations to continue to have border checks.
c) They are afraid that more tourists will bring traffic jams and pollution.
d) They do not want to lose their cultural and national identities.

What was the aim of the Maastrict Treaty?
a) to create a common educational system for Europe
b) to unite the leaders of Europe
c) to create a single currency for all of Europe
d) to rid Europe of all debt

Which is a problem that the European Union faces today?
a) Some member nations do not want a single currency.
b) All member nations want to end border controls
c) French farmers want to end subsidies.
d) Too many nations want to join the European Union.

How was the Netherlands able to rebuild so successfully after World War II?
a) Communist countries offered financial aid.
b) Germany repaired all the war damage it had done.
c) The people were unified toward a common goal.
d) The government sold land to other countries.

What changes occurred in the Netherlands between 1947 and 1957?
a) Wages doubled and production rose to prewar levels.
b) The country's population doubled in just ten years.
c) The number of poor and elderly was cut in half.
d) Allowances for widows and orphans had to be cut.

Which was NOT a solution the Netherlands found to help its people in the 1950's?
a) helath care
b) education for all
c) allowances for everone
d) housing for every citizen

What effect did the ''Provos'' have on modern Amsterdam?
a) People voted to have the goernment build more highways and large buildings.
b) People established ''Queen's Day'' as a national holiday in the Netherlands.
c) People persuaded Amsterdam's city council to vote against big construction.
d) People encouraged the development of Amsterdam's arts and entertainment industries.

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