8th Grade Final Practice Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 59506)

Part 3 Of The 8th Grade Practice Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following believed in and practiced civil disobedience?
a) Uncle Sam
b) Mikhail Gorbachev
c) Malcolm X
d) Martin Luther King, Jr.

All of the following was a method of protest for the gaining of civil rights of African Americans except
a) Poll taxes
b) Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
c) Lunch counter sit-ins
d) March on Washington D.C.

In the early 1990s, the Cold War came to an end primarily as a result of the…
a) creation of the European Union (EU)
b) signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)
c) United States victory in the Persian Gulf War
d) breakup of the Soviet Union

Which policy did the United States take on communism?
a) Containment
b) Isolationism
c) Imperialism
d) Communism

The wars in Vietnam and Korea, the Berlin War being constructed, and the Cuban Missile Crisis were all during which time period?
a) The Roaring Twenties
b) The Great Depression
c) The Cold War
d) The Starving Time

Which event almost led the world into a nuclear war?
a) Vietnam War
b) Korean War
c) Cuban Missile Crisis
d) Bay of Pigs Invasion

The decision made by President Truman on dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima was meant to
a) end WWII quickly and save American lives
b) be a punishment to Germany
c) create more jobs
d) make other countries target the United States

The mistreatment of Jewish people and others thought to be ‘undesirable’ during World War II was known as
a) Island Hopping
b) Nuremberg Trials
c) Blitzkrieg
d) Holocaust

In both world wars, women helped in the war effort by
a) Taking care of the house and children
b) Going to school
c) Working in factories
d) Joining the armed forces

Which of the following were social reform movements in the United States?
a) Civil Rights
b) Women's Suffrage
c) Muckracker Journalism
d) All of the above

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