8th Grade Final Practice Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 59505)

Part 2 Of 8th Grade Final Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which statement is most accurate about the United States’ homefront during World War II?
a) The federal government saw its power severely decreased
b) Few effects of the war were felt by the civilian population
c) The Great Depression ended and many women joined the workforce
d) Unemployment was high and many strikes occured

The attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941-”a day that will live in infamy”...
a) Ended World War II
b) Brought the United States into World War II
c) Made Americans disapprove of joining the war effort
d) Led to a new appreciation for Japanese-Americans

The term ‘Hooverville’ came about because
a) President Hoover built low-income housing during the Great Depression to help the poor
b) Hoover was a popular President and people wanted towns named after him
c) President Hoover did not believe the government should take on the burden for the relief of the poor
d) Created jobs to help those who needed them

The Social Security Administration is part of what was created under FDR’s
a) Fireside chats
b) New Deal
c) Rough Riders
d) Big Stick Policy

The Great Depression was caused by all of the following except
a) Buying stocks on margin
b) Using credit to buy consumer goods
c) The stock market crash in 1929
d) An increase in the number of women in the workforce

In the 1920s, the literary and art movement of African Americans in New York was called the
a) Harlem Renaissance
b) Reconstruction Period
c) The Era of Good Feelings
d) Hoovervilles

Flappers, sports, new music and other significant cultural changes were seen in which time period?
a) The Great Depression
b) The Dust Bowl
c) The Roaring Twenties
d) The McCarthy Era

The 19th amendment prohibited states from denying someone the right to vote based on…
a) Race
b) Age
c) Sex
d) Being a former slave

The idea that Germany alone was responsible for World War I was seen in the
a) Treaty of Versailles
b) Fourteen Points
c) Yalta Conference
d) Truman Doctrine

World War I was caused by
a) Nationalism
b) Militarism
c) Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand
d) All of the above

The 14 Points and the creation of a League of Nations was proposed by
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
c) Woodrow Wilson
d) Herbert Hoover

How did imperialism help cause World War I?
a) Trade grew
b) Nations started competing with each other over colonies
c) Countries tried to say more isolated from one another
d) The decline in the number of jobs available around the world help spark a global depression

Which was a symbol of the growing role of women in the factories during World War II?
a) Rosie the Riveter
b) Flappers
c) Mary Janes
d) Wendy the Worker

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