8th Grade Final Practice Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 59504)

Part 1 Of 8th Grade Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were necessary in order to
a) Help promote the Black Codes
b) Bring an end to the Civil War
c) Allow African Americans to have legal rights
d) Bring the South back into the Union

Poll taxes, LIteracy tests, and Jim Crow laws were all used in the South after the Civil War to
a) End the plantation system
b) Deny African Americans their rights
c) Stop the influence of Progressives
d) Improve roads and build railroads

Plessy vs. Ferguson established the principle of separate but equal, and led to
a) Starting the Civil War
b) Desegregation of public places
c) Segregation of public places
d) The end of Reconstruction

The main goal of the Ku Klux Klan in the South was to
a) Continue sharecropping
b) Make African Americans fearful about exercising their right to vote
c) Put Republicans in office
d) Win the Civil War

Immigration boomed in the late 1800s and early 1900s due to
a) An abundance of farmland that was untouched
b) Many jobs being available in factories for unskilled workers
c) The lack of discrimination in big cities towards immigrants
d) High level jobs being available

“New” immigrants were different than “old” immigrants in that
a) The ‘new’ immigrants tried to bring their political ways to the United States
b) They were richer than the previous immigrants
c) Their cultural backgrounds and countries of origin were different than the ‘old’ immigrants
d) They faced no discrimination whatsoever

The increase in industrialization led to
a) An increase in immigration
b) An increase in people living in the cities
c) The need for labor reforms
d) All of the above

People who worked to expose political corruption and the problems in industries and Big Businesses were called
a) Spoilers
b) Muckrakers
c) Robber barons
d) Entrepreneurs

“The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair helped bring awareness to the
a) Abuses suffered by women
b) Poor living conditions in tenements
c) Discrimination towards immigrants
d) The dirty conditions in meatpacking plants

The event that led to changes for safer working conditions was
a) The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
b) The dropping of the atomic bomb
c) The Pullman Strike
d) The creation of the holiday Labor Day

Women, immigrants, muckrakers, the NAACP all worked for
a) Opposing causes
b) Changes that would bring positive reforms to the nation
c) Big Business causes
d) The Soviet Union

The idea of a more powerful nation taking over less stable areas in the world is known as
a) The spoils system
b) Communism
c) Imperialism
d) McCarthyism

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