6th Soc. St. Chapter 10 Test Question Preview (ID: 59503)

6th Soc. St. Chapter 10 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What were some of the main achievements of the Tang dynasty?
a) the creation of a new religion and establishment of new trade
b) education for all people and the development of new medicines
c) the study of astronomy and other sciences, and new findings in math
d) the regrowth of a strong government and a flourishing culture

By the 1300's most African kings were—
a) Christian
b) Hindu
c) Muslim
d) Jewish

Why did Mansa Musa travel to Mecca?
a) to express his faith, and to fulfill the requirements of his religion
b) to find gold and treasure in the deserts of Egypt
c) to recruit settlers to return with him to his kingdom in Mali
d) to expand his huge empire east into Arabia and beyond

To what holy city must Muslims try to journey once during their lives
a) Mecca
b) Constantinople
c) Byzantium
d) Rome

Why did the people of Mecca reject Muhammed's message?
a) They liked their lifestyle and did not want to move or make changes.
b) They feared their profitable trade with those worshipping idols might end.
c) They did not believe that they could expand their land without war.
d) They did not want to suffer, and they were afraid that this new way would be difficult.

How did Muslims help transmit the learning of early cultures?
a) through trade and translation
b) by the invention of printing presses
c) by selling artifacts they found
d) through missionaries

What brought an end to the period called the Golden Age of Islam?
a) drought and disease
b) the death of Muhammad
c) the Mongol victory
d) Abbassidian rule

How did the early Muslims build an empire?
a) by trading with their neighbors
b) by strengthening Islam
c) through worshipping Muhammad
d) through armed conquest

Why was the government stable under the Song dynasty?
a) It was a time of great innovation.
b) Confucianism was popular again.
c) The population was growing rapidly.
d) China had an extensive trade route.

Why did China have such a strong influence on Japanese and Korean cultures?
a) Japan and Korea had no indigenous cultures of their own.
b) China sought colonies for its expanding population.
c) Japan and Korea asked for protection from nomadic invaders.
d) China was the most powerful and innovative country in East Asia.

The Chinese influence in Japan and Korea did NOT extend to their —
a) spoken languages
b) systems of government
c) art and architecture
d) religious beliefs

Name the holy book of Islam that tells the revelations of Muhammed.
a) The Bible
b) The Torah
c) Qur'an
d) The Haggadah

How did Islam develop?
a) from Muhammad's teachings in Medina and throughout the Arabian Peninsula9
b) from the spreading of mosques throughout Arabia
c) through caravans of prophets who went from town to town teaching
d) through prayers in the mosques throughout the Arabian Peninsula

If the era of the Song dynasty can be called a time of invention and trade, the era of the Tang dynasty might be called —
a) a time of bureaucracy
b) a time of political unrest
c) a time of military might
d) a time for expansion

Mansa Musa was said to have been the most able to do good to those around him. What did he do that reflects this thought?
a) He brought a Spanish architect to Mali.
b) He expanded the Mali empire.
c) He instilled fear in his subjects.
d) He established a school for Islamic study.

How did Islam affect trade in Western Africa around 1300-1400?
a) Under Muslim rulers, people were forced to trade with each other.
b) Trade grew, since many countries shared the same religious practices.
c) It allowed Islamic merchants to trade with Christian merchants.
d) Invasions and conquests were followed by caravans and traders.

How did Islam originate?
a) People formed a religion to follow the ideas in the Qur'an .
b) The pilgrims who came to Mecca organized a religious group.
c) The nonviolent Muslims organized against the army.
d) Muhammad preached the messages he received from God.

Why would a Muslim today recognize the religion of his or her Islamic ancestors?
a) The history of Islam is the same as that of Christianity.
b) The practices of Islam are centuries old.
c) Many Muslims live in the United States.
d) The basics of Islam change with the times.

What was the Golden Age of Islam?
a) The period of rule by the Rightly Guided Caliphs
b) The period when Muhammad received the revelations
c) The period when Islam spread while under caliph rule
d) The period when Islam was introduced to Africa

How is this test you are taking today influenced by Islamic civilization during its Golden Age?
a) Muslims introduced Arabic numerals from India, which form the numbers used on this test.
b) Muslims began using Arabic script, which is used to write the words on this test.
c) The Muslims brought the concept of 100 percent, important for grading tests, from India.
d) Muslims introduced the question and answer format characteristic of all tests.

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