Circulatory Vs. Respiratory Vs. Digestive Systems Question Preview (ID: 59487)

How The Systems Are Interconnected. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

M'kenna has
a) diabetes
b) cancer
c) covid
d) celiac

Carbohydrates are made of , and break down into:
a) fatty acids
b) proteins
c) amino acids
d) glucose

Fats break down into
a) proteins
b) amino acids
c) fatty acids
d) glucose

you know a chemical reaction between glucose and oxygen happened because:
a) you get carbon dioxide and water and energy which are different from what you started with
b) a chemical reaction did not happen-trick question
c) you got the same ingredients but they just got into a gas

Bromothymol blue is a chemical indicator that tests for :
a) oxygen
b) carbon dioxide
c) water
d) glucose

True or false: brain cells use and need energy
a) false
b) true

true or false: if you feel tired and have brain fog, it means something could be wrong in your nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system, or respiratory system
a) false
b) true

m'kenna has Celiac and since her small intestine is swollen with flat villi,...
a) she does not digest as much fiber
b) she does not breathe in as much glucose
c) she does not absorb as much glucose in her blood
d) she gains weight

there are 3 ways we use food for energy in our bodies: we use it to make energy, we store food as fat, and what is the third way we use food ?
a) sell it
b) we use food to eat more food
c) we use food for growth
d) we use food to shrink in size

Atoms that water is made of:
a) Oxygen and nitrogen
b) hydrogen and oxygen
c) argon and oxygen
d) carbon dioxide and water

if you are not taking in as much glucose, but you still take in oxygen , the effect is:
a) you do not generate as much energy
b) you make more energy
c) you breathe out a lot of oxygen too
d) you do not need to breathe anymore

exercising after a meal will keep your blood glucose level lower because you are going to need more oxygen and glucose to make
a) money
b) oxygen
c) energy for the exercise
d) glucose

Air sacs in the lungs that transfer oxygen to the blood and carbon dioxide OUT of the blood:
a) villi
b) alveoli
c) balloons
d) grapes

Where oxygen and glucose go in order to travel to the cells of your body:
a) your bloodstream
b) poop
c) fiber
d) your large intestine

If you eat a meal, then the amount of glucose in the blood of a healthy person will :
a) stay the same
b) get lower
c) get higher
d) go to 0

What gas goes into the bloodstream from the lungs , then to the body cells?
a) Carbon dioxide
b) glucose
c) argon
d) oxygen

if the body cells react glucose with oxygen, then the products are water, carbon dioxide and ...
a) nitrogen
b) glucose
c) energy
d) blood

What do villi do?
a) villi move oxygen from the lungs to the blood
b) villi are tiny hair like things in the small intestine that move glucose to the bloodstream
c) villi are flattened pancake shaped things that move carbon dioxide to the blood
d) villi move glucose to the poop.

How does the oxygen move from the alveoli in the lungs? Where does oxygen go next?
a) It travels out as waste in the form of poop
b) it goes through tiny holes in the villi to the blood
c) the small intestine absorbs it
d) there are tubes moving it to the heart

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