Touching Spirit Bear Ch. 16-19 Review Question Preview (ID: 59483)

This Is A Review Of Touching Spirit Bear Ch. 16-19. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a big difference with Cole's return to the island after the first time he was there?
a) Edwin and Garvey don't take Cole to the island this time.
b) Cole paid his own way and has to do all the work.
c) Cole's mother has come with him to the island.
d) There is now a hotel on the island that wasn't there before.

How does Cole know that Edwin and Garvey still don't trust him?
a) They took the sparkplug out of the boat's engine so he couldn't leave.
b) They build a new shelter for him and make him watch.
c) They brought his mother with them on this trip to the island.
d) They told him that he would never be allowed to return home.

Why does Garvey say life is like a hot dog?
a) Life is staying alive.
b) Life is having fun.
c) Life is having enemies.
d) Life is whatever you make it.

Where does Edwin take Cole early in the morning?
a) Back to the mainland.
b) Out hunting in the forest.
c) Swimming in a pond.
d) Up to the top of a mountain.

What lesson does Edwin try to teach Cole with the stick?
a) You can build a fire with a stick.
b) You can protect yourself with a stick.
c) You can't completely get rid of anger.
d) You can't catch a fish with a stick.

What message is Edwin trying to give Cole with everything he is doing?
a) He can control his feelings.
b) He can catch the Spirit Bear.
c) He can be nice to his mother.
d) He can eat better food.

Who has to build the shelter?
a) Garvey
b) Edwin
c) Cole's Mother
d) Cole

What dance do they do together around the fire?
a) The Horse Dance
b) The Mosquito Dance
c) The Whale Dance
d) The Cat Dance

What does rolling the rock down the hill represent?
a) Releasing Cole's anger.
b) Hunting the Spirit Bear.
c) Giving up on getting better.
d) Cole's parents' happiness

What does Cole learn from doing the wolf dance?
a) He is good at hunting.
b) He needs help from others like a wolf pack.
c) He can handle everything on his own like a lone wolf.
d) He isn't a very good dancer.

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