EI-140 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 59482)

Vocab Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Adhering to an established set of personal ethics and sound moral principlas
a) Integrity
b) dependability
c) loyalty
d) initative

willingness to work hard
a) dependability
b) self-motivation
c) enthusiasm
d) industriousness

a) loyalty
b) empathy
c) honesty
d) personality

Communication that involves the use of spoken words
a) nonverbal communication
b) telephone conversation
c) verbal communication
d) written communication

communication that involves the use of recorded (written or typed) words
a) verbal communication
b) written communication
c) letters
d) text

Flexibility: the ability to adjust to changing situations
a) cooperativeness
b) Adaptability
c) willingness
d) positive attitude

A set image or assumption about a person or thing
a) sterotype
b) prejudice
c) discrimination
d) racist

communication that involves the use of actions and expressions
a) nonverbal communication
b) verbal communication
c) sign language
d) mime

The two way process of sending and receiving information, ideas, feelings, and beliefs
a) communication
b) non verbal communication
c) verbal communication
d) texting

A method of listening that involves paying attention, displaying proof of listening and providing feedback to facilitate the two-way transmission of information
a) Active Listening
b) communication
c) staring
d) talking back

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