Shaping Earth's Surface Question Preview (ID: 59473)

Shaping Earth's Surface. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

I am a huge mass of ice. I erode the rock beneath me as I flow over it. Who am I?
a) glacier
b) acid rain
c) delta
d) meander

I am particles of rock. Moving water deposits me when it slows down. What am I?
a) weathering
b) sediment
c) glacier
d) floodplain

I wear away stone and metal surfaces when I fall from the sky. What am I?
a) deposition
b) sediment
c) acid rain
d) delta

I am a flat area along a riverbank. Rivers deposit sediment on me when they flood. Who am I?
a) erosion
b) meander
c) delta
d) floodplain

I drop eroded sediment in a different place after I picked it up. What am I?
a) deposition
b) erosion
c) weathering
d) sediment

I am a fan-shaped piece of land. I form from deposits from the mouths of rivers. Who am I?
a) floodplain
b) delta
c) glacier
d) meander

I break down rock into smaller pieces. What am I?
a) deposition
b) delta
c) weathering
d) floodplain

I am a gentle loop in a slow flowing river. What am I?
a) delta
b) floodplain
c) weathering
d) meander

I pick up and move pieces of weathered rock. What am I?
a) erosion
b) weathering
c) acid rain
d) glacier

Over long periods of time, the process of _______________ breaks down rock.
a) beaches
b) weathering
c) waves
d) glaciers

When ______________ occurs, the rock simply breaks into smaller pieces.
a) chemical weathering
b) erosion
c) physical weathering
d) deposition

During _________________ the rock weakens as the minerals in it are changed.
a) landslides
b) deposition
c) physical weathering
d) chemical weathering

After weathering, _______________ removes the weathered rock.
a) erosion
b) waves
c) glaciers
d) chemical weathering

Gravity pulls loosened rock downhill in __________________.
a) waves
b) landslides
c) chemical weathering
d) erosion

Ocean __________________ and currents move sediment along shorelines.
a) beaches
b) physical weathering
c) waves
d) landslides

They (waves) erode sand from some _________________ and deposit it on others.
a) glaciers
b) physical weathering
c) erosion
d) beaches

As ____________________ move over the ground, they scoop out depressions and move the loose rock beneath them.
a) glaciers
b) waves
c) beaches
d) chemical weathering

Water, wind, and ice can drop eroded materials in a different place in a process called ______________.
a) erosion
b) deposition
c) weathering
d) landslides

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