4th STAAR Review: Text Clues Question Preview (ID: 59435)

Which Text Clues From The Passage Help The Reader Determine The Meaning Of A Word? TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The room was filled with books. There were bookcases and books on table. In a little alcove, a comfy chair waited for a reader to go on an adventure. This small space was perfect for bookworm. Which words help the reader understand alcove?
a) The room was filled with books.
b) This small space
c) a comfy chair waited for a reader
d) There were bookcases and books on table.

Jimmy really wanted the candy, so he took it. As he was eating it he realized he wasn’t enjoying it. He wished he had never taken it. Filled with remorse he apologized to his teacher. Which words helped the reader understand the remorse?
a) As he was eating it he realized he wasn’t enjoying it.
b) Jimmy really wanted the candy, so he took it.
c) He wished he had never taken it.
d) He apologized to his teacher

Hayden pedaled his bike slowly up the hill. Little by little the hill got steeper. This gradual change would’ve been easy to ignore in a car, but on a bike it really made his legs tired. Which words help the reader understand meaning of gradual?
a) pedaled his bike slowly
b) made Hayden’s legs tired
c) Little by little the hill got steeper.
d) easy to ignore in a car

“My head is full, my bones ache, I am in misery,” I complained to my mother. She said, “Get back in bed, I’ll call the doctor and make an appointment.” Which words help the reader understand the word misery?
a) I sneezed for the sixteenth time.
b) “I’ll call the doctor and make an appointment.”
c) “My head is full, my bones ache”
d) “Get back in bed”

Tyler was so thrilled with her art, she couldn’t wait to share it. Thomas knew hers was better. He squeezed her project with his hand. Tyler looked down in dismay at her crumpled work. Which words help the reader understand the meaning of crumpled?
a) Tyler looked down in dismay
b) squeezed her project with his hand
c) Tyler was so thrilled
d) the boy beside her

“Where’s my homework? Who would’ve taken it? I will be in so much trouble.” The missing homework seemed to mystify Robert. He did not know how to solve this mystery. Which words from the paragraph help the reader understand the meaning of mystify?
a) “Where’s my homework?”
b) He did not know how to solve this mystery.
c) “I will be in so much trouble.”
d) “Who would’ve taken it?”

The grinding of the brakes made a harsh sound that hurt Noah’s ears. The car stopped suddenly throwing him against his car seat. “Everything’s alright now,” said Mom from the front seat. Which words help the reader understand the meaning of harsh?
a) throwing him against
b) that hurt Noah’s ears
c) the car stopped suddenly
d) “Everything’s alright now”

Leilani had practiced every day for years, she couldn’t believe she had made the Olympic team. As she crossed the finish line in triumph, her dream of a gold had come true! Which words help the reader understand the meaning of triumph?
a) had practiced every day
b) her dream of an Olympic gold medal had come true
c) She still couldn’t believe she made the Olympic team
d) As she crossed the finish line

Ava tossed and turned in the night. She slept but her sleep was filled with nightmares. When she awoke her dreams were quite lucid, she remembered every detail. Which words from the paragraph help the reader understand the meaning of lucid?
a) When she awoke
b) her sleep was filled with nightmares
c) her dreams
d) she remembered every detail

Mr. Brookes saved all of his pennies in a jar. He clipped coupons and only bought things on sales. Mr. Brookes was very frugal. Which words from the paragraph help the reader understand the meaning of frugal?
a) only bought things on sale
b) spent her money on everything
c) argued about her spending
d) Jack Sprat and his wife

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