Civics Exam Review #3 Question Preview (ID: 59425)
Civics Review #3.
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Process allows citizens to draft laws they would like to see adopted
a) Referendum
b) Initiative
Process allows citizens to vote on a law already passed by the state legislature.
a) Referendum
b) Initiative
Which power listed DOES NOT belong to the state governments?
a) Provide Education
b) Levy Taxes
c) Provide Healthcare
d) Declare War
Which answer choice is NOT a service provided by county governments?
a) Run Elections
b) Run Hospitals
c) Raise an Army
d) Provide Clean Water
True or False: The U.S. Constitution creates a central government known as the Federal government. The Federal government deals with issues that affect the entire country.
a) True
b) False
True or False: State governments are structured the same way as the Federal government, just smaller scale.
a) True
b) False
True or False: The Necessary and Proper clause gives Congress the ability to make any law that is necessary and proper to carry out its expressed powers.
a) True
b) False
Powers that are shared between the State and Federal Governments are called __________ Powers.
a) Enumerated
b) Concurrent
c) Referendum
d) Expressed
Which answer choice is NOT one of the three main sources of revenue for county governments?
a) Sales Tax
b) Fees
c) Income Tax
d) Property Tax
The division of power between a central government and state governments is called ___________.
a) Federalism
b) Checks and Balances
c) Separation of Powers
d) Constitution
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