Unit 15 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 59367)

Unit 15 Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

an unusual sight or public display
a) spectacle
b) tragic
c) trifle
d) grieve

a serious nature; very strict and harsh ; causing pain or hardship.
a) tragic
b) spectacle
c) severe
d) universal

to burn on the surface; to dry out with heat; a slight burn
a) complicate
b) courteous
c) severe
d) scorch

to cause to feel great sadness; to feel very sad
a) eliminate
b) moral
c) grieve
d) spectacle

having to do with what is right and wrong; being good and just; the lesson taught by a story or experience
a) moral
b) spectacle
c) severe
d) scorch

to get rid of or do away with
a) severe
b) discomfort
c) complicate
d) eliminate

a lack of ease and well-being
a) complicate
b) discomfort
c) tragic
d) spectacle

considerate toward others
a) courteous
b) eliminate
c) trifle
d) universal

to make hard to understand or do
a) courteous
b) eliminate
c) complicate
d) moral

having to do with a serious story with a sad ending; very unfortunate
a) trifle
b) tragic

something of little importance; a small amount; or to treat carelessly or playfully
a) severe
b) universal
c) trifle
d) tragic

being everywhere; of, for, or shared by all
a) trifle
b) scorch
c) spectacle
d) universal

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