Newtons 1st Law Vocab Quiz Review Question Preview (ID: 59366)

Vocabulary Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is Newton's First Law say
a) inertia is objects resist change/ if they move they want to move/ if rest/then rest
b) inertia is objects at rest
c) inertia is a force on object
d) inertia is friction

Force that does not have motion
a) unbalanced
b) balanced
c) static forces
d) acceleration

What is a push or pull
a) gravity
b) force
c) inertia
d) friction

Acceleration is
a) speed up
b) slow down
c) change direction
d) all above

Velocity tells you
a) time and distance
b) space and time
c) speed and direction
d) constant speed

When forces are at a balance this is called
a) momenetum
b) net force
c) equilibrium
d) gravitational forces

When you add or subtract all forces you get...
a) net force
b) friction
c) acceleration
d) energy

Work is
a) force on object
b) transforming energy
c) force moving object a distance
d) sweating

Object at rest stay at rest or in motion stay in motion is...
a) Newtons 1st law
b) Newtons 2nd law
c) Newtons 3rd law
d) Not a law

Weight is a measurement of
a) friction
b) gravity
c) velocity
d) mass

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