Fruits And Vegetables Question Preview (ID: 59364)

Vocabulary And Grammar Game. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

I _________ tomatoes. They're horrible!
a) doesn't like
b) likes
c) like
d) don't like

My friend _______ potatoes. They're delicious!
a) like
b) likes
c) doesn't like
d) don't like

My mother __________ pears. They're horrible!
a) likes
b) doesn't like
c) like
d) don't like

I ________ apples and bananas! They're delicious.
a) like
b) likes
c) don't like
d) doesn't like

My sister __________ oranges. They're horrible!
a) doesn't like
b) likes
c) don't like
d) like

It's a fruit. It's green.
a) It's a pear
b) It's an orange
c) It's an apple
d) It's a banana

It's a vegetable. It's yellow
a) It's a cucumber
b) It's lettuce
c) It's a carrot
d) It's corn

It's a vegetable. It is green
a) It's a cauliflower
b) It's a pineapple
c) It's a cucumber
d) It's a carrot

It is a fruit. It can be red or green
a) It's a banana
b) It's an apple
c) It's a strawberry
d) It's a pineapple

My friend ________ cucumbers. They're delicious!
a) likes
b) doesn't like
c) like
d) don't like

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