Phrasal Verb New Question Preview (ID: 59343)

Phrasal Verbs Quiz: Mixed 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

She's waiting for him to ask her ______ .
a) in
b) on
c) out
d) off

My car broke ____ again on the weekend.
a) on
b) down
c) off
d) in

I can't get _____ the cold I caught last week.
a) under
b) over
c) in
d) on

Nicole, whose going to Paris for an acting gig took _____ on a plane this morning.
a) in
b) on
c) off
d) under

Take _____ your dirty boots before you walk in the house.
a) on
b) off
c) under
d) over

Tomorrow's game has been called _____ because of bad weather.
a) off
b) on
c) under
d) over

I never cook on Saturday, we always eat ______ somewhere.
a) in
b) off
c) on
d) out

The TV is too loud. Can you turn it ______ a little?
a) up
b) down
c) off
d) on

You should shop ____ online to get the best price.
a) above
b) around
c) under
d) in

I'm going to try _____ this new type of paint on my walls.
a) by
b) out
c) on
d) in

After talking to his teacher, Lucy has owned up to
a) failing her exam.
b) passing her exam.
c) cheating in her exam.
d) missing out on her exam.

If you give away a lot of money, most people will say you are
a) a generous person.
b) a strange person.
c) a selfish person.
d) a self-centered person.

You'll have to give the jacket back to whoever you
a) bought it from.
b) sold it to.
c) borrowed it from.
d) loan out to.

Mr Chua was kicked out of the exam room because he
a) was thinking about Warren and hoping to ask him out on a date.
b) finished early.
c) needed to go to the toilet.
d) tried to cheat.

Do you know what became of that girl Xinyu who used to work here? I have not heard anything about her.
a) since yesterday.
b) for ages.
c) all day.
d) every day.

The best person to deal with a medical emergency would be
a) a dealer.
b) a doctor.
c) a sick person.
d) Mr Chua wearing a rubber chicken suit.

If Jacky had allowed for extra expenses like medical costs, he would not have
a) run out of money.
b) spent a lot of money.
c) made a lot of money.
d) kept a lot of money.

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