7th Grade Final Review (part 2) Question Preview (ID: 59340)

Review For The 7th Grade Final. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How did westward expansion impact Native Americans?
a) Native Americans were given full voting rights
b) Native Americans were forcefully removed from their land
c) Native Americans continue to hunt buffalo to this day
d) All choices

Why did Americans want to move west?
a) Cheap land
b) Religious freedom
c) Gold
d) All choices

Which of the following best describes the idea of Manifest Destiny
a) The idea that America was destined to be free from Britain
b) The idea that America was destined to start a colony on the moon
c) The idea that colonists should not pay taxes to Parliament if they had no representation in Parliament
d) The idea that America was destined to control all the land between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean

What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?
a) To give more power to the federal government
b) To protect the rights of Americans
c) To make sure one branch of government does not gain more power over the other two branches
d) All choices

Freedom of speech, right to a lawyer, and no cruel and unusual punishment are rights guaranteed in which document?
a) Declaration of Independence
b) Article 1 of the Constitution
c) Bill of Rights
d) Treaty of Versailles

What is the purpose of checks and balances?
a) to prevent one branch of government from getting too powerful
b) to prevent the federal government from having power over the states
c) to prevent the legislative branch from making laws
d) to prevent the president from making military decisions

What are the three branches of the federal government?
a) Federal, state and local
b) Executive, Judicial and Legislative
c) Executive, presidential and cabinet
d) Foreign, domestic and federal

The Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bleeding Kansas and John Brown's raid lead to which of the following war?
a) American Revolution
b) War of 1812
c) Mexican-American War
d) Civil War

What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?
a) To settle the issue of slavery expanding into the territories of the United States
b) To settle the issue of how many representatives each state should get in congress
c) To settle the issue of how much to pay for the Louisiana Purchase
d) To settle the issue of where to move Native Americans that were forced off their land

What was the purpose of the Compromise of 1850?
a) To settle the issue of how many representatives each state should get in congress
b) To settle the issue of where to move Native Americans that were forced off their land
c) To settle some problems that arose from slavery and it's expansion into the territories of the United States
d) All choices

What did many people think after reading the book Uncle Tom's Cabin?
a) They started to agree that slavery is wrong and more people became abolitionists
b) They started to agree that slavery is wrong, but they did nothing about it
c) They started to agree more with the slave holders of the South
d) They realized taxation without representation was wrong

Who won the 1860 Presidential election?
a) Breckinridge
b) Douglas
c) Lincoln
d) Bell

In the 1860 presidential election, the North voted for Lincoln and the South voted for Breckinridge. Which of the following concepts do these results show?
a) Sectionalism
b) Isolationism
c) Imperialism
d) Unanimity

Which of the following happened as a direct result of the 1860 Presidential election?
a) The North won the civil war
b) The South seceded from the Union
c) Lincoln was assassinated
d) The Emancipation Proclamation was made

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