Poetry Review For Elementary Students Question Preview (ID: 59288)

Poetry Review For Elementary Students. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An expression of ideas or feeling in words, usually having a form, rhythm, and rhyme.
a) rhyme
b) imagery
c) poetry
d) personification

Two or more lines that end with rhyming words.
a) haiku
b) cinquain
c) ballad
d) rhyme

A humorous poem that has five lines, an “aabba” rhyming pattern, and a specific rhythm.
a) limerick
b) ballad
c) haiku
d) cinquain

A long poem written about a famous person or event
a) haiku
b) ballad
c) diamante
d) sonnet

A poem that has three lines and a total of 17 syllables, often distributed in a specific 5-7-5 pattern.
a) haiku
b) limerick
c) sonnet
d) ballad

A poem that has five lines and a total of 22 syllables, distributed in a specific 2-4-6-8-2 pattern.
a) limerick
b) diamante
c) cinquain
d) haiku

A poem that is shaped like a diamond, and the words describe opposite ideas.
a) sonnet
b) haiku
c) diamante
d) ballad

A poem with 14 lines and a specific rhyming and rhythm pattern.
a) sonnet
b) cinquain
c) ballad
d) haiku

A group of related lines in a poem.
a) alliteration
b) stanza
c) simile
d) rhyme

The repetition of the same beginning sound, usually a consonant, in a phrase or line of poetry. (tongue twisters) Ex. Peter Piper pecked a pick of pickled peppers.
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) imagery
d) alliteration

The comparison of two things that are not really alike by using the words like or as. Ex. He soared like an eagle.
a) simile
b) sonnet
c) rhyme
d) stanza

The comparison of two things in which one is said to be another. Ex. She is a night owl.
a) alliteration
b) metaphor
c) stanza
d) prose

A sound device in which a word makes the sound. Ex. Crash, bang, click.
a) onomatopoeia
b) imagery
c) repetition
d) simile

The author’s use of description and words to create pictures in the reader’s mind.
a) imagery
b) sonnet
c) ballad
d) stanza

Visualizing means...
a) To draw a picture.
b) The person who draws the pictures in a book.
c) To make create a picture with your food.
d) To create a picture in your head.

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