Weather Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 59284)

EOG Weather Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Forms when a cold air mass pushes a warm air mass; thunderheads can form followed by cool, fair weather.
a) warm front
b) cold front
c) stationary front
d) Occuluded Front

a front where warm air moves over cold air and brings drizzly rain and then are followed by warm and clear weather
a) Warm front
b) Low front
c) stationary front
d) Occuluded Front

A mass of rising warm air that usually bring wet, stormy weather.
a) high pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Prevailing Westerlies
d) Front

A type of cumulus cloud that is tall and gray, and associated with thunderstorms.
a) cirrus
b) stratus
c) cumulonimbus
d) cumulus

Clouds that form in flat layers and often cover much of the sky- usually mean rain or snow
a) cirrus
b) stratus
c) cumulonimbus
d) cumulus

A mass of sinking cool air that usually bring fair weather.
a) High Pressure
b) Low Pressure
c) Prevailing Westerlies
d) Front

Thick, fluffy clouds with flat bases, formed by vertically rising air currents- usually mean fair weather
a) cirrus
b) stratus
c) cumulus
d) cumulonimbus

Wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals that form at high levels- usually mean fair weather or a change in weather
a) cirrus
b) stratus
c) cumulus
d) cumulonimbus

An instrument used to measure air pressure
a) hygrometer
b) barometer
c) thermometer
d) anemometer

A breeze flowing during the day from the sea to the land
a) Land Breeze
b) Sea Breeze
c) Wind
d) Front

instrument used to measure wind speed
a) anemometer
b) hygrometer
c) barometer
d) thermometer

Measures humidity
a) thermometer
b) anemometer
c) barometer
d) hygrometer

A breeze at night flowing from the land to the sea
a) Front
b) Wind
c) Sea Breeze
d) Land Breeze

The boundary between two different air masses....
a) Westerlies
b) Cloud
c) Front
d) Wind

The constant movement of water is ___________.
a) The water cycle
b) condensation
c) evaporation
d) run-off

The process of water becoming a vapor.
a) The water cycle
b) condensation
c) evaporation
d) run-off

Instrument used to measure wind direction.
a) Anemometer
b) barometer
c) wind vane
d) hygrometer

The process by which molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid water
a) evaporation
b) condensation
c) run-off
d) precipitation

Water (usually from rain) that flows over a land surface in streams and water ways
a) condensation
b) run-off
c) evaporation
d) precipitation

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