End Of Chemistry Question Preview (ID: 59282)

End Of Chemistry Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How much space an object takes up in relation to the amount of matter the object has.
a) Density
b) Matter
c) Volume

How much space an object takes up.
a) volume
b) matter
c) density

Substances that taste sour and have a sticky texture
a) acids
b) bases
c) neutrals

Substances that taste bitter and have a slippery texture
a) bases
b) acids
c) neutrals

Occurs when neutralization occurs between acids and bases
a) neutrals
b) acids
c) bases

Paper that has a special dye on it that changes colors in the presence of an acid or base.
a) litmus paper
b) Phenolphthalein
c) pH paper

A colorless chemical that is used to test for the presence of a base.
a) Phenolphthalein
b) Litmus Paper
c) pH paper

Paper that has a range of colors the indicate the pH of a solution.
a) pH paper
b) Phenolphthalein
c) Litmus Paper

When two solutions are combined, they may form a new solid substance which indicates a chemical change has occurred.
a) Precipitate
b) Chemical reaction
c) Chemical equation

When a substance is broken apart or when substances are combined and a new substance is formed.
a) Chemical reaction
b) Chemical equation
c) Precipitate

Is used to represent a chemical reaction and show the chemical names involved in the reaction.
a) Chemical equation:
b) Chemical reaction
c) Precipitate

Located on the left side of the arrow and are substances broken apart or combined.
a) Reactants
b) Products

Located on the right side of the arrow and are new substances formed in the reaction.
a) Products
b) Reactants

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