Ecological Relationships Question Preview (ID: 59281)

Review Of Ecological Relationships. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A clownfish uses a sea anenome as a safe place to live. (like in finding Nemo) While living there, the clownfish lures in food for the anenome. This is an example of what type of relationship?
a) Predator-Prey
b) Commensalism
c) Mutualism
d) Parasitism

Two male Giraffes are fighting over the last green leaf of a tree that is dying.
a) Competition
b) Mutualsim
c) Predation
d) Commensalism

A hawk flies down and scoops up a snake, while it is attempting to slither into the ground
a) Predation
b) Competition
c) Hungry
d) Mutualism

A mistletoe plant attaches to and extracts water and nutrients from the spruce tree
a) Parasitism
b) Mutualism
c) Commensalism
d) Predation

Type of relationship: cow eating grass.
a) Predator/prey
b) Parasite/host
c) Producer/consumer
d) Competitors

Ants protect soft bodied aphids and in return the aphids feed the ants a sugary drink. What is the ecological relationship?
a) Cooperation
b) Parasitism
c) Commensalism
d) Mutualism

The pearlfish receives protection from predators by living inside a sea cucumber. The sea cucumber is not affected during this interaction. This ecological relationship is known as -
a) predator-prey because the pearlfish is prey to the sea cucumber
b) mutualism because only the pearlfish benefits in this ecological relationship
c) commensalism because only the pearlfish benefits while the sea cucumber is not affected
d) competition because the sea cucumber and pearlfish often fight for living space

Another word for a plant or other producer that makes its own food using energy from sunlight…
a) photosynthesis
b) autotroph
c) consumer
d) carnivore

Barnacles sometimes live on the outside surface of other larger shelled organisms without causing any harm. What is the ecological relationship?
a) Mutualism
b) Parasitism
c) Commensalism
d) Predator-Prey

An ecological symbiotic relationship between two organisms where one benefits and the other is harmed…
a) parasitism
b) herbivore
c) mutualism
d) commensalism

The name of the process that producers use to make their own food…
a) respiration
b) commensalism
c) food chains
d) photosynthesis

The nonliving aspects of an ecosystem.
a) Abiotic factors
b) Biotic factors
c) Don't pick me
d) Me neither

The living portions of the ecosystem.
a) Biotic factors
b) Abiotic factors

A group of similar cells that perform a common function are:
a) cells
b) tissues
c) organs
d) organ systems

A structure made up of a collection of tissues that carries out a specialized function is called an:
a) organ system
b) organism
c) cell
d) organ

A group of the same organisms living together in the same place at the same time is:
a) An organism
b) A population
c) A community
d) A biome

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