Unit 28: If You Build It.. Question Preview (ID: 59277)

Form, Struct, Migr. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

to slow or block the movement, progress, or action of something or someone; to be in front of something, which makes it difficult to see
a) constructive
b) reform
c) emigrate
d) obstruct

to be the same as or similar to something; to obey/agree with something; to do what other people do or behave in a way that is accepted by most people
a) construe
b) migratory
c) conform
d) formative

used to describe the time when someone or something is growing or being formed
a) immigrant
b) formative
c) constructive
d) formation

moving from one place to another at different times of the year; migrating regularly
a) migratory
b) emigrate
c) immigrant
d) reform

to improve someone or something by removing or correcting faults, problems, etc.
a) formative
b) constructive
c) conform
d) reform

to leave a country or region to live elsewhere
a) immigrant
b) obstruct
c) emigrate
d) construe

something that is formed or created; an orderly arrangement or group of people, ships, or airplanes
a) formative
b) migratory
c) conform
d) formation

helping to develop or improve something; helpful to someone instead of upsetting and negative
a) construe
b) obstruct
c) constructive
d) formation

a person who comes to country to live there
a) immigrant
b) reform
c) migratory
d) emigrate

to understand an action, event, remark, etc., in a particular way; to understand the meaning a word, phrase, or sentence
a) obstruct
b) construe
c) formative
d) formation

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