Texas History - Unit 10 - Review Game 2 Question Preview (ID: 59258)

Handbook Of Texas. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which term means to try to persuade government officials about an issue?
a) due process
b) interest groups
c) referendum
d) lobby

Which term means a type of local government formed to meet a specific purpose, often providing services not offered by other governments?
a) special districts
b) precincts
c) commissioners' court
d) due process

Which term means a statement of political goals of a political party?
a) commission plan
b) lobby
c) platform
d) referendum

Which of the following means a government's right to claim privately owned land for public use?
a) commission plan
b) special districts
c) eminent domain
d) political action committees

The largest expenditure of state funds is for ...
a) health and human services and education.
b) highway and bridge construction and repair.
c) police and fire safety programs all over the state.
d) protection of the border region.

Most of the constitutional limits on state power are there ...
a) because otherwise taxes would be too high.
b) in order to balance the budget.
c) to protect individual rights.
d) to protect local sovereignty.

A proposed law goes to a conference committee when ...
a) neither house really wants to pass it.
b) there is a requirement for funding.
c) the governor has vetoed it.
d) differences between versions of the bill must be worked out.

The constitution of Texas was originally designed to ...
a) limit the power of government.
b) enhance the right of Texas to pass necessary laws.
c) help keep the peace on the frontier.
d) control the behavior of citizens.

The separation of powers in the constitution is designed to ...
a) maximize the powers of each individual branch of government.
b) make specific agencies responsible for specific tasks.
c) make sure that no branch becomes too powerful.
d) ensure that voters know which party to vote for.

Which term means a plan in which a panel of elected officials is in charge of city services?
a) commission plan
b) commissioners' court
c) due process
d) political action committees

Which term means groups that raise and spend money for a candidate?
a) interest groups
b) precincts
c) due process
d) political action committees

Which term means county subdivisions?
a) referendum
b) precincts
c) commissioners' court
d) runoff election

Which term means people united by a common cause that try to affect government policy?
a) due process
b) interest groups
c) referendum
d) runoff election

Which term means legal steps that a government must follow before taking someone's property or punishing a person?
a) due process
b) referendum
c) runoff election
d) commissioners' court

Which term means a panel of elected officials that governs a county in Texas?
a) referendum
b) runoff election
c) commissioners' court
d) municipal government

Each Texas county is divided into 4 precincts.
a) true
b) false

Only the larger cities are governed by a commissioners' court.
a) true
b) false

Local government in Texas includes county and municipal governments and special districts.
a) true
b) false

The Bill of Rights in the Texas constitution protects individual rights.
a) true
b) false

It is only when exercising eminent domain that the state does not have to pay for taking private property.
a) true
b) false

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