Unit 13, (Vietnam) Question Preview (ID: 59238)

Part Of Civil Rights, 60s, And Vietnam Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How did the US initially become involved in Vietnam?
a) Supporting French efforts to regain their Indochina colonies followed by failed reunification elections.
b) The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
c) The Tet Offensive
d) The Battle for Saigon

What is the Domino Theory?
a) If one country falls to totalitarianism others will follow
b) If one country falls to communism others will follow
c) If one country falls to utopian ideas others will follow
d) If one country fails to democracy others will follow

What event leads the US into escalating support for South Vietnam?
a) The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
b) The Tet Offensive
c) Dien Bien Phu
d) The Battle for Saigon

What incident occurred at Kent State University irreversibly hurting the war effort?
a) Demonstrators were shot by National Guardsmen
b) An anti-war/counterculture music festival was held
c) Buildings were burned by anti-war demonstrators
d) Draft cards were burned

What was the Tet Offensive and how did it affect the US?
a) Communist offensive that became the turning point of the war in favor of the North Vietnamese
b) US offensive that became the turning point of the war against the North Vietnamese
c) Communist offensive that became the turning point of the war in favor of the South Vietnamese
d) Communist offensive that became the turning point of the war in favor of the US

Which of these best explains why worldwide reactions to U.S. involvement in Vietnam grew increasingly hostile during the late 1960s and early 1970s?
a) The United States was viewed as an aggressor invading an underdeveloped nation.
b) The United States ignored a United Nations Security Council resolution to cease hostilities.
c) The United States demanded the unconditional surrender of Ho Chi Minh.
d) The United States was viewed as appeasing a brutal dictator.

How did press coverage of events during the Vietnam War affect the United States?
a) Reporting US personnel losses contributed to public disillusionment with the war.
b) Increased U.S. media presence overseas resulted in overwhelming international support for U.S. intervention.
c) Live presidential press conferences led to a decline in partisan politics in Congress.
d) Film footage from the front lines increased congressional support for the war.

As part of the Nixon administration’s policy of Vietnamization, the U.S. military —
a) trained South Vietnamese forces to take over combat responsibilities from U.S. troops
b) shared military technology with North Vietnam
c) imposed martial law in North Vietnam
d) installed a puppet government in South Vietnam

Why was Vietnam believed to be important?
a) The West felt Vietnam was necessary to stop the spread of communism
b) Vietnam is strategically vital to the West due to its location along the trade routes and sea lanes.
c) The West felt it was vital to support Ho Chi Minh’s bid to create a democratic government in Vietnam.
d) The West felt it was necessary to stop Diem from creating a communist regime in Vietnam

This act gave the President authorization to use military force in Vietnam despite the Constitutional requirement for Congress to officially declare war.
a) The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
b) The Hanoi Resolution
c) The Saigon Resolution
d) The Tet Resolution

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