PHOSPHORUS CYCLE 2 Question Preview (ID: 59219)

PHOSPHORUS CYCLE 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In which form do producers directly provide phosphorus to detritus (dead organic matter)
b) weathering
c) salts
d) leaf fall

What is the name given to the killing of aquatic life due to the depletion of oxygen, because of the excessive growth of algae due to over abundance of phosphorus in coastal areas?
a) leaching
b) photosynthesis
c) eutrophication
d) respiration

Phosphorus is passed from plants to _____ who eat them
a) humans
b) animals
c) plants
d) scavengers

which of the following is true of the phosphorus cycle?
a) the phosphorus cycle utilises bacteria to break down phosphates and make them available for plants
b) phosphates are used in carbohydrate storage
c) phosphorus enters the atmosphere as phosphates
d) the phosphorus cycle utilises the process of erosion, and weathering

what role do decomposers play in the phosphorus cycle?
a) return phosphorus to the soil
b) absorb phosphorus
c) release phosphorus into the atmosphere
d) combustion

which nutrient is not cycled through the atmosphere and stays on ground level?
a) water
b) nitrogen
c) carbon
d) phosphorus

this is not part of the phosphorus cycle:
a) atmospheric phosphate
b) phosphate is absorbed from the soil by plants
c) phosphate is incorporated into sedimentary rocks
d) phosphate is bound to soil

the phosphorus cycle is fundamentally different from the nitrogen cycles. how so?
a) phosphorus is not taken up by plants and is a strictly inorganic cycle
b) the phosphorus cycle does not include a gaseous phase, resulting in no significant quantties of atmospheric phosphorus
c) phosphorus does not enter the cycle from weathering of sediments
d) phosphorus is released to the atmosphere by bacteria

phosphorus is difficult for plants and animals to access in nature because
a) most phosphorus in the environment is bound to carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen
b) it is typically found as a phosphate
c) it reacts quickly with oxygen in the atmosphere
d) most phosphorus in the environment is stored in reservoirs

Phosphorus does not cycle through which of the following spheres?
a) lithosphere
b) geosphere
c) atmosphere
d) biosphere

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