Urban Models Review Question Preview (ID: 59214)

Unit 6 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The suburbs in European cities are made up mostly of -
a) high class, low density housing
b) industrial complexes
c) low class, high rise housing
d) low class, low density housing

The multiple nuclei model of urban structure developed by Harris and Ullman arose from the idea that _______ was losing its dominant position
a) the suburb
b) public transportation
c) the inner city
d) the CBD

________ cities typically have open-air markets, walled courtyards, and a central mosque
a) Renaissance
b) Islamic
c) Hindu
d) Colonial

Asian, African, and South American cities
a) contain dominant centers surrounding a building of religious significance
b) contain large industrial sectors within the city
c) display mostly modern forms of architecture
d) contain many architectural styles from colonialism

According to the sector model, the best housing is located in
a) a corridor from downtown to the edge of the city
b) renovated inner-city neighborhood
c) nodes near universities and parks
d) an outer ring around the city

According to the concentric zone model, a city develops in a series of -
a) rings
b) corridors
c) sectors
d) nodes

The focal point of the Southeast Asian city is the
a) old colonial port zone
b) CBD
c) alien commercial zone
d) suburbs

A structural element of many Latin American cities, the disamenity sector, is illustrated by the
a) mall
b) squatter settlements
c) industrial park
d) commercial spine

The core of the city is called the -
a) central city
b) exurb
c) inner city
d) central business district

Mexico City and Sao Paolo are examples of
a) capital cities
b) South American cities
c) megacities
d) colonial cities

According to the multiple nuclei model, an airport is likely to attract nearby
a) residences and large homes
b) warehouses and hotels
c) shops and malls
d) hospitals and urgent care centers

Edge cities would most likely be associated with which urban model?
a) concentric zone model
b) sector model
c) peripheral model
d) multiple nuclei model

The concentric zone model explain why different neighborhoods in a city attract people of different
a) ethnicity
b) income
c) ages
d) educational experiences

The spatial design of cities in North Africa is influenced heavily by -
a) European traditions, with a cathedral at the center
b) A historic aversion to trade
c) Islamic traditions, with a mosque at the center
d) Trading patterns with sub-saharan Africa

Which of the following is both the least urbanized and the most rapidly urbanizing realm of the world?
a) Middle America
b) Africa south of the Sahara
c) East Asia
d) South Asia

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