Astronomy Review Question Preview (ID: 59213)

Content Covering Our Astronomy Unit So Far. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere?
a) Corona
b) Chromosphere
c) Photosphere
d) Convection Zone

This is the layer in our Sun where hydrogen fuses to helium.
a) Inner mantle
b) Core
c) Photosphere
d) Chromosphere

This is an eruption of gas from the Sun's surface when loops in sunspot regions suddenly connect.
a) Prominence
b) Solar Flare
c) Core
d) Chromosphere

What is the end life of the supermassive stars?
a) Neutron Star
b) White Dwarf
c) Black Hole
d) Stellar Nebula

This characteristic determines the cycle a star will go through: _______.
a) Mass
b) Size
c) Helium count
d) Brightness

Gas and dust in our universe that is considered a nursery for stars is called this: _____________.
a) Planetary Nebula
b) Photosphere
c) Dusty Armadillo
d) Stellar Nebula

Our Milky Way galaxy contains a center with arms protruding and revolving around a possible black hole. What type is it?
a) Spiral
b) Irregular
c) Elliptical
d) Alpha centauri

This tool breaks white light into color to help us determine the age of stars.
a) Optical telescope
b) Spectroscope
c) Spontaneous combustion
d) Observatory

This space tool can be found on Earth or orbiting Earth to contain instruments that help us view our universe.
a) Observatory
b) Radio telescope
c) Reflector telescope
d) Spectroscope

Which one of these is NOT evidence of the beginning of our Universe?
a) Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
b) Age of Stars
c) Red shift
d) Life on Earth

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