Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 59192)

Plate Tectonics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When plates slide past each other, they create ________________________.
a) shear

When plates push together, they produce the force of ___________________.
a) shear
b) compression
c) tension
d) fossils

Wegener supported his theory with evidence from rocks and _____________________________.
a) compression
b) shear
c) fossils
d) continents

Alfred Wegener developed the theory of ________________________.
a) plate tectonics
b) continents
c) compression
d) continental drift

Later, scientists developed the theory of _______________________.
a) plate tectonics
b) shear
c) compression
d) fossils

Compression force can push the ground at the boundary of plates upward, forming ____________ mountains.
a) shear
b) folded
c) tension
d) compression

The theory of continental drift states that Earth’s ______________ were once one landmass.
a) fossils
b) folded
c) continents
d) plate tectonics

The model that states the Earth’s surface is composed of large rock plates that fit together like jigsaw puzzle pieces is called ______________________________.
a) continental tectonics
b) drift tectonics
c) continental plates
d) plate tectonics

A scientist who studies Earth’s structure and history is called a(an) ____________________.
a) geologist
b) biologist
c) continentologist
d) tectonogist

The theory that states that the continents were once one landmass and that they drifted to their present positions over many years is called _____________________________.
a) driftonics
b) continental drift
c) continental plates
d) drifting tectonics

As hardened magma builds up on both sides of a plate boundary, a(an) _________________ forms at the center of a mid-ocean ridge.
a) folded mountain
b) fault block mountain
c) rift valley
d) continental drift

Shear forces at a fault can form ________________________________.
a) folded mountain
b) rift valley
c) continental drift
d) fault-block mountains

A highland in the middle of the oceans that runs parallel to the continents is called a(an) ____________________________.
a) mid-ocean ridge
b) rift valley
c) folded mountains
d) fault block mountains

The force of compression can form ______________________ at the point where two plates push together.
a) rift valley
b) folded mountains
c) mid-ocean ridge
d) fault block mountains

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