Plate Tectonics Review (1st Half) Question Preview (ID: 59185)

Review For Plate Tectonics Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Mid-Ocean Ridges are created by:
a) convergent boundaries where collision happens
b) convergent boundaries where subduction happens
c) divergent boundaries
d) transform boundaries

Why does one plate sink under another plate at some convergent boundaries?
a) the sinking plate is less dense than the other plate
b) the sinking plate is more dense than the other plate

If one plate sinks under another at a convergent boundary, this is called:
a) collision
b) division
c) subduction
d) trenching

Two plates that are moving toward each other are:
a) convergent
b) divergent
c) transform

Two plates that are sliding against each other are
a) convergent
b) divergent
c) transform

Tectonic plates move:
a) 1 cm to 12 cm per year
b) 1 mile to 12 miles per year
c) 1 kilometer to 12 kilometers per year
d) very quickly

Two plates that area moving away from each other are:
a) convergent
b) divergent
c) transform

The area where two tectonic plates meet is called a:
a) plate boundary
b) continental shelf
c) ocean basin
d) valley

As seafloors spread, what happens to older rock on the ocean floor?
a) it melts
b) it gets pushed away from the mid ocean ridge
c) it rises above sea level
d) it loses its magnetism

What is found at mid ocean ridges?
a) deep sea trenches
b) oldest rocks on the ocean floor
c) newest rocks on the ocean floor
d) volcanic island arcs

What happens to magma that rises up through cracks in the seafloor?
a) it erodes
b) it cools and turns into new seafloor
c) it becomes part of a continent
d) it brings continents back together

Why were matching rock types found on the coasts of South America and Africa good evidence to prove continental drift?
a) If the landmasses were connected, they would have the same types of rock that were the same age
b) the rocks must have been created at a trench

Why was evidence of glaciers in warm continents good evidence to prove continental drift?
a) it proved that climate change was not happening
b) it proved that continents like Africa and Australia were in a different, colder location at one point

What does Pangaea mean?
a) continental drift
b) one planet
c) big landmass
d) all land

Why were land animal fossils good evidence to prove continental drift?
a) land animals would have the patience to stay on continents while they moved
b) land animals could not swim across oceans to get to separate continents

What was the name of the supercontinent that linked all of the current continents together?
a) Gondwana
b) Laurasia
c) Pangaea
d) Pangaea Ultima

Who was the scientist that created the continental drift hypothesis?
a) Alfred Wegener
b) Harry Hess
c) James Hutton
d) Charles F. Richter

What is the name of the hypothesis that states that continents are slowly moving?
a) Pangaea
b) Continental Drift
c) Plate Tectonics
d) Geology

Ocean Trenches are created by:
a) convergent boundaries where collision happens
b) convergent boundaries where subduction happens
c) divergent boundaries
d) transform boundaries

Folded mountains are created by:
a) convergent boundaries where collision happens
b) convergent boundaries where subduction happens
c) divergent boundaries
d) transform boundaries

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