Touching Spirit Bear, Ch. 4-7 Question Preview (ID: 59148)

Review Of Touching Spirit Bear, Ch. 4-7. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How are Cole's parents dressed when they go to the Circle Justice meeting in Chapter 4?
a) They are dressed like they just finished working out at the gym.
b) They are dressed like slobs in old dirty clothing.
c) They are dressed in prison jumpsuits.
d) They are dressed in very nice clothing.

Who does Cole see at the Circle Justice meeting for the first time since he committed his crime?
a) Peter Driscal
b) Garvey
c) His parents
d) His best friend

What is the significance of the feather at Circle Justice?
a) It symbolizes happiness and joy.
b) Whoever holds it is allowed to speak.
c) It represents flying above your problems.
d) It can be used to make crafts to sell.

Why does Peter speak slowly and haltingly at Circle Justice?
a) He's afraid of Cole.
b) He was badly injured by Cole's attack.
c) He doesn't think he's allowed to speak there.
d) He doesn't want to speak.

Why can't Cole reach the other island while he is swimming?
a) He doesn't know how to swim.
b) The island is moving away from him.
c) The tide is coming in and pushing him back.
d) There are fishing boats that keep getting in the way.

What does Cole wrap around his shoulders to stay warm?
a) A bear skin
b) A jacket that survived the fire
c) Palm leaves from the trees
d) The at'oow

What does Cole do when he sees the Spirit Bear?
a) He throws a stone at it.
b) He calls out to it so it will come closer.
c) He shoots at it with a bow and arrow.
d) He writes about it in his journal.

What does Cole say that shocks Circle Justice?
a) He says that he wants to go to prison.
b) He says his mother will pay the boy he hurt a million dollars.
c) He says that he wants to see a Spirit Bear.
d) He says that his father beats him.

At Circle Justice, what does Garvey say is the cause of Cole's behavior?
a) He was born a bad person.
b) His family and community failed him.
c) He hurts people to get money.
d) He always does what people tell him to do.

What does Cole find to eat?
a) Fish on the beach
b) The Spirit Bear
c) Canned food that survived the fire
d) A squirrel in the forest

What does Cole decide to do when he sees the Spirit Bear?
a) He backs away because he knows it is dangerous.
b) He remembers what Garvey said about it and leaves it alone.
c) He decides to attack it with a spear and a knife.
d) He yells for help because he is afraid of it.

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