Sectionalism Question Preview (ID: 59134)

Events Leading Up To The Civil War. Compromises, Dred Scott, Fugitive Slave Law, Etc. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which was not true of the new Fugitive Slave Act?
a) Required policemen to arrest suspected runaways.
b) Punished those aiding runaway slaves with prison and a large fine.
c) Popular in the North.
d) Kept suspected slaves from testifying on their own behalf.

What was popular sovereignty?
a) the government would decide if slavery would be legal or illegal.
b) Allowed states in the south to abolish slavery
c) the people would vote to decide if their state would have slavery.
d) slavery would be allowed in all future states.

An abolitionist supported which of the following causes?
a) outlawing alcohol
b) limiting slavery to southern states
c) ending slavery
d) ending women's suffrage

Which of the following was TRUE regarding the Missouri Compromise?
a) It was created by South Carolinian John C. Calhoun
b) It prevented the spread of slavery into western territories
c) It kept the balance between slave and free states in the Senate
d) It caused the price of cotton to dramatically increase

Economy based on cotton, tobacco, slaves and plantations
a) North
b) South
c) West
d) Canada

Small farms, cheap land, ranching and mining were part of this region's economy
a) North
b) South
c) West
d) Canada

Industry was the way of life in this section
a) North
b) South
c) West
d) Canada

In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court...
a) ruled that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories because slaves were private property.
b) avoided controversy by ruling that Dred Scott had no right to sue in federal court.
c) ruled that slaves could sue in federal court only if their masters allowed them to do so.
d) ruled that a slave that had been transported to a free state or territory was a free citizen of the Untied States.

Which of the following words means that a person places the interests of a small area over the interests of the entire country?
a) Sectionalism
b) Nationalism
c) Popular Sovereignty
d) Secession

What did The Missouri Compromise, The Compromise of 1850, and The Kansas-Nebraska Act all have in common
a) Should the U.S. expand westward?
b) Should states be allowed to nullify federal laws?
c) Should slave labor be allowed in new states?
d) Should states be able to secede from the Union?

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