Touching Spirit Bear Ch. 1-3 Question Preview (ID: 59088)

This Is A Review Of Ch. 1-3 Of Touching Spirit Bear. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What crime got Cole into trouble?
a) He sprayed graffiti on his school's walls.
b) He beat a boy and smashed his head against the sidewalk.
c) He was caught using drugs and alcohol.
d) He stole from his parents and his neighbors.

Who is Garvey?
a) Cole's parole officer
b) Cole's best friend
c) Cole's father
d) Cole's teacher

What is Circle Justice?
a) A prison system
b) A place for Cole to work when he gets out of juvenile detention
c) A healing form of justice used by native cultures
d) An alternative school where Cole can graduate from high school

Why does Cole want to participate in Circle Justice?
a) He feels sorry for what he did and wants to do better.
b) He thinks it would be an excellent way to find work.
c) He wants to improve his education so he can go to college.
d) He wants a reduced jail sentence.

Why does Cole not like his father?
a) His father smothers him with attention.
b) His father is constantly calling his teachers about him.
c) His father drinks a lot and hits him.
d) His father turned him in for his crimes.

What problem does Cole have with his mother?
a) He thinks she is too bossy and is constantly ordering everybody around.
b) He thinks she never stands up to anyone.
c) He doesn't like how she is constantly having fun with her friends instead of taking care of him.
d) He wishes she would buy him a new game system.

What is a Spirit Bear?
a) Another name for a polar bear that lives in the Arctic
b) An imaginary bear from Native American stories
c) A small bear like a koala that lives in the trees
d) A white-colored black bear that lives in British Columbia

What does Cole say he'll do if he sees a Spirit Bear?
a) He'll kill it.
b) He'll keep it as a pet.
c) He'll ignore it.
d) He'll give it some of his food.

What is an at'oow?
a) A weapon to fight Spirit Bears.
b) A tool for building a shelter
c) A Native American blanket
d) A type of edible plant that grows in British Columbia.

How does Cole feel about his crime?
a) He's sorry for what he did and wants to make up for it.
b) He believes that staying on the island will make up for what he's done.
c) He's ashamed of how he embarrassed his family with his crime.
d) He's not sorry for committing the crime at all.

What happens to Cole's shelter and supplies?
a) He purposefully sets them on fire.
b) A Spirit Bear destroys the shelter and eats all the food.
c) He loses the shelter and supplies when a big storm strikes the island.
d) He abandons the shelter and supplies when they are infested with rats.

Why is Cole so angry while on the island?
a) He was left nothing to eat.
b) He hates that there are no animals on the island.
c) He thinks that his parents don't want him to live.
d) He wants other people to be with him.

What does Cole plan to do to escape the island?
a) He will build a raft out of logs and float away on the ocean.
b) He will make a signal to catch the attention of a passing airplane.
c) He will complete his sentence and then be taken home normally.
d) He will swim to another island, then catch a boat to the mainland.

What is the Hearing Circle at Circle Justice?
a) A place where people could discuss solutions for Cole.
b) A place to test Cole's hearing and vision.
c) A court of law that would sentence Cole to prison.
d) A classroom where Cole would learn about Native American culture.

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