Applying The Pythagorean Theorem Question Preview (ID: 59080)

Use The Pythagorean Theorem In Word Problems And Solve By Drawing Triangles And Using The Formula. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Elsa is flying a kite, she let out 25 m of string. The kite is above a spot that is 7 meters away. How high above the ground is the kite?
a) 24 m
b) 12 m
c) 5 m
d) 144 m

The dimensions of a rectangular prism are 6in, 3in, and 4in. What is the length of the diagonal of the base?
a) 3.6
b) 7.8
c) 2.9
d) 4.6

The lengths of a triangle are 9 and 12. What is the diagonal?
a) 10
b) 15
c) 12
d) 8

The square of b is always equal to the square of c minus the square of a.
a) True
b) False

The value of c is equal to the sum of b and c.
a) False
b) True

If the hypotenuse is 6 ft and the width is 2 ft what is the height?
a) 8
b) 12
c) 4.8
d) 40

You have a balloon that flies away :( It floats 8 ft across the ground but is 17 ft away from where you are standing. How far above the ground is the balloon?
a) 17 ft
b) 15 ft
c) 8 ft
d) 10 ft

A triangles legs are each 6 feet long. How long is the hypotenuse?
a) 8 ft
b) 12 ft
c) 8.5 ft
d) 10 ft

The legs of a triangle are 8 and 6 feet. What is the hypotenuse?
a) 9 ft
b) 10 ft
c) 7 ft
d) 6 ft

The length of a hypotenuse is 10 in, and the length of a leg is 6in. What is the length of the other leg?
a) 7 in
b) 9 in
c) 8 in
d) 11 in

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