Princess And Goblin 2 Question Preview (ID: 59075)

Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

pay attention to; take notice of
a) heed
b) dire
c) remnant
d) baleful

existing at or from the beginning of time, basic and fundamental
a) primordial
b) ooze
c) genesis
d) big bang

particular skill of making decorative objects by hand
a) handicraft
b) jewelry
c) crochet
d) knit

likelihood of something happening
a) probability
b) random
c) mode
d) reel

small remaining quantity of something
a) remnant
b) remenant
c) dash
d) pinch

threatening harm; menacing
a) baleful
b) heve
c) bailful
d) goblin

site that earth has been removed from by digging
a) excavation
b) egypt
c) underground
d) archeology

horizontal underground passages, especially in a mine
a) galleries
b) tunnels
c) shafts
d) reservoir

tapering structure hanging like an icicle from the roof of a cave, formed from mineral deposits from dripping water
a) stalactites
b) stalagtites
c) stalagmites
d) statue

large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply
a) reservoir
b) pond
c) lake
d) puddle

think out, plan, or devise
a) excogitate
b) cognate
c) cognition
d) cognitive

get off a horse, bicycle, or other thing that one is riding
a) dismount
b) disarray
c) disstep
d) disaster

crouch down in fear
a) cower
b) cover
c) bow
d) counsel

additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity.
a) accoutrements
b) brooch
c) poultice
d) distaff

ornament fastened to clothing with a hinged pin and catch
a) brooch
b) necklace
c) poultice
d) accoutrements

soft, moist mass of material, typically of plant material or flour, applied to the body to relieve soreness and inflammation and kept in place with a cloth
a) poultice
b) ice pack
c) poultry
d) cambric

stick or spindle onto which wool or flax is wound for spinning
a) distaff
b) brooch
c) spinner
d) cambric

mall ornamental box or chest for holding jewels, letters, or other valuable objects
a) casket
b) brooch
c) poultice
d) accoutrements

lightweight, closely woven white linen or cotton fabric
a) cambric
b) washcloth
c) towel
d) poultice

engineer responsible for tasks such as laying and clearing mines, etc
a) sapper
b) cobs
c) inundation
d) reconnoitering

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