100 YEARS WAR --JOAN OF ARC! Question Preview (ID: 59060)

100 YEARS WAR JOAN OF ARC! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The 100 years war is ONE major battle
a) true
b) false
c) only if Campbell says so
d) only in B.C.

Which weapon helps England in the 100 years war?
a) canons
b) longbow
c) Campbell's singing of 1D songs
d) Machine Gun

The 100 years war is mainly fought over:
a) Constantinople
b) who owns Europe
c) who loves Campbell more
d) succession

How many years was the 100 years war?
a) as many as Campbell says
b) 100
c) 116
d) no one knows

The 100 years war was between:
a) France --Europe
b) England --USA
c) France--England
d) Campbell-Henderson

What year was Joan made a saint?
a) 1920
b) 2022
c) 1066
d) 1431

What does exonerated mean?
a) to leave a country
b) to give Campbell compliments on his dancing
c) to be found innocent
d) to be excommunicated

How was Joan killed?
a) burned to death
b) shot
c) poisoned
d) went insane listening to 1D

Who won the 100 years war?
a) France
b) England
c) USA
d) Campbell

Joan was put on trial for:
a) hating Campbell
b) stealing frooties
c) witchcraft
d) lying to the Pope

Joan was sentenced to:
a) listening to Campbell sing
b) life in prison
c) death
d) pay a big fine

What year was Joan killed?
a) 1501
b) 1066
c) 1431
d) 1453

Who captured Joan of Arc?
a) English
b) Campbell
c) French
d) Romans

How did Joan sneak into the army?
a) made herself look like a boy
b) stole Campbell's identity
c) joined the church
d) became a knight

Which battle did Joan lead the French to victory?
a) Louisiana
b) Marathon
c) Gettysburg
d) Orleans

Who did Joan want to be King of France?
a) Charles VII
b) Campbell
c) King John
d) Pope Bendict

What did the voices in Joan's head tell her?
a) push England out of France
b) push France out of England
c) forgive everyone for their sins
d) give Campbell more gift cards

Joan of Arc was born a ______
a) soldier
b) queen
c) peasant
d) witch

Who did Joan hear voices from?
a) God
b) Saints
c) Campbell
d) Kings

BEFORE Joan of Arc appeared, who was winning?
a) England
b) France
c) Campbell
d) Rome

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