Government Final Question Preview (ID: 59046)

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What is one right or freedom of the First Amendment
a) Freedom of religion
b) Freedom of speech
c) Right to bear arms (carry guns with a permit)
d) Right to remain silent

What do we call the first 10 Amendments?
a) Bill of rights
b) 10 commandments
c) America's top 10
d) The Constitution

Which one is not a Branch of Government
a) Executive
b) Legistive
c) olive
d) Judicial

What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
a) Nothing.....we are all doomed
b) The president has all the power
c) Checks and balances
d) Our right to carry guns

What are the two parts of Congress
a) Democratic/Republican
b) North and the south
c) Right and Left
d) Congress/Senant

How many Senators are there?
a) 50
b) 100
c) 400
d) 250

How long is a term for a Senator?
a) 2
b) 6
c) 4
d) Life

What is the highest court in the country?
a) State of mind
b) State
c) Local
d) Supreme

What or who do show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?
a) Government
b) People serving our country
c) Flag/Country

How old do you have to be to be President?
a) 35
b) 21
c) 40
d) 18

Why did the colonist leave England?
a) They didn't like tea
b) Free world
c) Freedom from King George

Name one of our Founding Fathers
a) Bill Gates
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Tupac
d) George Bush

Name the state that borders Mixico
a) North Carolina
b) Colorado
c) Indianan
d) Texas

What state is NOT one of the 13 colonies?
a) New York
b) Ohio
c) Virginia
d) Road Island

When do we we celebrate Independence Day?
a) June 14th
b) September 30
c) July 4th
d) May 30th

What did the Declaration of Independence do?
a) Cut off relations with Britain (break up)
b) A letter to the King that we did not want his tea anymore
c) Started 4th of July celebrations

Who is in charge of the Executive Branch
a) The people
b) Supreme court
c) President
d) Speaker of the House

How long is the Presidents term?
a) 2 Years
b) 6 Years
c) Life
d) 4 years

What are the two political parties of the United states
a) Smith/Jones
b) Republican's/Demarcate
c) Independents/Republican
d) Congress/President

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