ISEE Cotton Question Preview (ID: 59042)

Questions For One ISEE Middle Level RC Passage. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which sentence best describes the main point of the second paragraph?
a) The South was the most fertile region of the United States.
b) Eli Whitney was partially responsible for the Civil War.
c) Cotton fields were mostly worked by slave labor
d) New technology transformed cotton production from a minor industry to a major one.

According to the passage, what was Eli Whitney’s main contribution to the cotton industry?
a) Eli devised the policy of “cotton diplomacy” during the civil war.
b) Eli increased the slave population in the south, allowing plantation owners to grow more cotton.
c) Eli invented a machine that made it easier to process large quantities of cotton.
d) Eli invented a device which allowed cotton to be processed for the first time.

Cotton diplomacy might have been a more successful policy if
a) all American farmers had produced cotton.
b) plantation owners had produced less cotton.
c) Northern mill towns had not exported any cotton to Great Britain.
d) Great Britain’s cotton warehouses had been empty.

When plantation owners called their crop “King Cotton,” they were suggesting that
a) they grew a special variety of cotton that was larger than other types.
b) their cotton was used mainly by royalty
c) the crop was technically owned by the Crown.
d) the crop gave them a great deal of power.

Based on the context, “accede” (line 53) most nearly means
a) surpass.
b) submit.
c) answer.
d) deny.

Which best describes the organization of the passage?
a) A subject is introduced, and events are described in chronological order
b) Each paragraph discusses a different aspect of the same problem.
c) The passage describes a particular historical event and discusses its importance.
d) Questions are posed and then answers are considered.

a) soap
b) illness
c) luster
d) shell

a) aggressively
b) slowly
c) cooperatively
d) strikingly

a) admit
b) suppose
c) commit
d) fail

a) power
b) produce
c) spin
d) burn

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